Typical (short)

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April 18th, 2016.

Mark and Selena were having a business meeting and Stevie stormed in. She glared at her Dad as she got a glass of water and Mark chuckled.

"Date not go as planned, Stevie?" he asked.

"No thanks to you, Dad." Stevie replied.

"What did I do?"

"You know exactly what you did. Did you have to scare the hell out of every guy that comes around?"
"You don't know what teenage boys are like, Stevie."

"Oh yeah? Mom's told me of some near incidents with her and you back in the 90s."

Selena couldn't help but laugh loudly and Mark face palmed. Making a disgusting noise he got up.

"I'm not mad at you, Dad, this time I'm glad you scared him. Nothing but a gold digger." Stevie said, she smiled and added: "And he was shaking so badly before we left, I thought for sure we were gonna crash."

"That's reassuring." Mark replied.
"Where's Daryl and Lucy?" Stevie asked.

"Daryl is probably at Jackie's house, or at the mall, one of the two, and Lucy's on some adventure, remember?" Mark replied.

"Oh. Right, I'ma going to change, after your little meeting is done, could you come down and help me train?" Stevie asked.
"Kid, your old man's trying to keep himself in one piece, you don't need me to test your strength."


Mark rolled his eyes and looked at Selena. "Your kids like this?"

"They're 12, the attitude is the least thing I'm worried about right now. More like the internet history." Selena replied.

"Luckily, Stevie isn't into that kind of thing, but Steph might have to have a little chat with Daryl." Mark answered.

"Seriously? I thought your kids were angels?"

"One could wish."


This chapter was supposed to be over 1,000 words long, and really cool. But the writer's ideas died before the chapter gained any good parts.

Aww, look at our wittle edgy Stevie!!!

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