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Wrestlemania 30, 2014.

Stevie sat with several superstars watching her father's streak match, she was angry that her parents wouldn't tell her how it was going to end. It was Undertaker vs. Kane for the final ultimo, the definition of all these years of hatred, of darkness, it was all coming to an end, tonight. Everyone was on edge and she flinched as her father crashed into the barricade, head first.

You better be OK. Stevie thought. Another trip to the hospital was the last thing she wanted right now. She watched her Mom dodge out of the way of Kane, narrowly missing another Irish whip to her husband. Stevie cringed as her Dad hit the announce table, he didn't move. He didn't move for a long time.

Finally Kane came in for the kill and grabbed his brother's neck (since Undertaker didn't have hair). He threw him back into the ring and Undertaker attempted to stand.

"C'mon, Mark! You can do it!" Brock Lesnar said.

Stevie admired him, he never lost respect for those he respected, and he'd always kicked major ass in the ring. Stevie looked around and noticed the pale faces of those around her. Selena had a blank stare, Shane looked ready to puke, Brock looked concerned, and AJ Lee was quiet, and barely moved. Layla, Nikki and Brie Bella were there too. Silently cheering the Deadman on.

Stevie watched as her father made an attempt to defend himself from a series of punches, he kept going and finally punched Kane away.

"C'mon, Undertaker, you can do it! Don't let him kick your ass!" Steph shouted at ringside.

She was wearing her original Ministry of Darkness outfit and looked ready to jump into the ring and take Kane on herself.


Stevie's head snapped around to see Edge, Chris and Christian. All three of them looked anxious. Undertaker had Kane grounded but, he did nothing to pin him. Just punched him. Stevie was painfully aware the match had gone on longer than it should've. Not that it mattered. Finally, the Undertaker spoke:

"You know you can't win, just give up, little brother! I don't want to fight anymore!"

Stevie literally screamed when Kane sat up, his mask had blood draining out of the eyes. He slapped the Undertaker and sent him reeling. Smoke began to surround the ring and Kane tombstoned the Undertaker.

"I will never stop fighting! You killed my mother! You tried to kill my father. You tried to kill me. You are the reason I'm a freak!"

Kane got the Undertaker to his feet, rage was blinding him and he delivered a sickening sidewalk slam.


Stevie shot to her feet and felt like she'd just been punched in the stomach. It wasn't supposed to end like this! 20 years, gone in an instant! The arena was deathly quiet and the announcers were speechless.

"It's over, big brother! Your legacy, is mine! You are nothing!"

Kane went to deliver a murdering blow but Stephanie shot in the ring in that instant.

"That's enough! What more needs to be done?" Stephanie asked.

Kane looked at her and smirked, he slapped her, knocked her out, picked her up, and he disappeared into the red light.

Stevie was surprised, and even a little bit horrified, she was surprised this was going far past 'Mania, could her father do it? Was he strong enough to continue for many more weeks?

After a few moments, the Undertaker sat up, slowly, painfully. He noticed Kane and his wife were missing and attempted to stand. He fell and waited for a few seconds, then he tried again. Again he failed, but the third time, he stood, with the help of the ring ropes, but he stood.

A cheer went up in the dead silent arena, the Undertaker's music faded in, soon it built in intensity and it was booming through the arena. The Undertaker paused to look at the numbers written across the titantron. 21-1. He'd failed his mission, but the impact had remained. He was still the phenom.

He slowly made his way up the ramp, he stopped before being completely engulfed in the mist, and turned. He looked over his yard and turned back towards the curtain. He didn't leave, just yet and after raising his right arm. He left. The returned silence echoed in the arena until finally, it was time for the Women's Championship match. No one was the same that night. Everything had changed, yet hadn't. The only mission now, was to reclaim Stephanie.


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