The Mythical Urn

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Just before the Raw live event, when the crowd was just barely in the door. The titantron changed. It showed Hunter and Chyna at the doorstep of someone's house. That someone turned out to be Paul Bearer.

"Hunter! Chyna! What brings you?" Paul asked.

"Brother Paul, have you watched any of the live shows from the last month?" Hunter asked.

"No, Hunter, I can't say I have." Paul replied.

Chyna was apparently sick of waiting and blurted: "McMahon has made an alliance with DX, one that Hunter and I are no longer a part of. They've abducted Undertaker and Stephanie and starved the Undertaker-does he even need food? Nevermind-and Kane has joined McMahon. We need to free the Undertaker. Do you have the Urn we can use to kick DX-Mahon's ass?"

Hunter and Paul looked at her before Paul replied: "Follow me."

* * *

Later in the evening, during a commercial break, Hunter and Chyna crept into the building. Chyna held something in her jacket, hidden away from the world. They crept into the basement area were the closets were and disappeared.

Some time later, Chyna walked out with a shaky Steph and when she saw the Undertaker, they embraced.


Short filler chapter. I'm cruelly making you wait for the next chapter.

(Fun fact, it's finished. I'm just waiting for a while to get the filler parts done.)

The Lady of DarknessOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora