Hospital (Part 3)

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Steph and Mark entered the hospital alone, Crimson's mother had called saying she'd seen the fire on the news and wondered if he was OK. Crimson decided to go see his mother and Sabrina kept getting texts so she decided to do the same. Steph rounded the corner to see a desk and inquired where Selena Minilina was.

"Ms. Minilina is on the sixth floor, but are you friends? Family?" the receptionist asked.

"Friends, Stephanie and Mark." Steph replied.

"Sixth floor, room 465." the receptionist reported.

"It should be two hallways down and just after the sixth floor reception desk."

"Thank you." Steph replied.

They entered an empty elevator and it was incredibly slow. Steph noticed Mark was deep in thought and she asked about it.

"What are you thinking about?" Steph asked.

A short silence.

"Just today, and I'm slightly concerned about this leg." Mark replied.

Steph thought herself and the elevator opened they walked down two hallways and Steph asked about Selena's room, the sixth floor receptionist told them it was on the left side and Steph thanked her. They knocked and an older woman answered the door.

"Who are you?" the woman asked.

"Friends of Selena's, can we come in?" Steph asked.

"Steph? Mark? Mom, they're cool." Selena said, her voice sounding strange.

"Come on in." Selena's mother consented.

Selena was still hooked up on oxygen and Steph noticed the hospital gown had a weird lump around where Selena had gotten burned.

"So? Do you think it'll pass as a baby bump idea?" Selena asked.

Steph chuckled and rolled her eyes.

"Mom, these are one of my employers, I'd like you to meet Mrs. Stephanie Callaway and Mr. Mark Callaway." Selena reported with flourish.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Minilina." Steph said, shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet you too, Selena was bragging about her new employers, said they were the kindest people." Mrs. Minilina replied.

Mrs. Minilina shook Mark's hand and sat back down. Steph decided to hug Selena.

"Careful, Doctor said I wasn't going to be doing any tats for a while." Selena warned.

Steph hugged her with great care and Selena added suddenly: "I think I'm going to quit my other two jobs and go full time with the WWF."

"Really?" Steph asked.

"I can do office work-even though I'd much rather not-I can be errand 'boy', hell, I can do mostly anything." Selena said.

"Watch your mouth." Mrs. Minilina warned her daughter.

"Yes, mother." Selena replied.

"You'd be on the road with the company all the time, save for a few off days." Mark warned her.

"I know, but I moved out here in Texas for a temporary time anyway, it just turned into my home for the past seven years." Selena replied.

"And Mom was just here for a visit. I'm glad she was at my house when the fire hit. I'm pretty sure I'd die of depression if I lost Mom." Selena added.

Silence, why did it always have to be silence? A doctor came in and said Selena would be spending the next two days in the medical center. And after she was released she wouldn't be able to work at the tattoo shop and was advised to take it easy at the World Wrestling Federation.

After he left Mrs. Minilina said she was going down to the cafe for a meal. Selena said she'd like something (besides the water the nurses had brought her) and Mark and Steph decided to go eat too.

"So how long has my daughter been working with you all?" Mrs. Minilina asked on the elevator ride down.

"Has it been two months? She's not even a proper employee right now. But luckily most of the shows have been few hour drives from here." Mark said.

Mrs. Minilina nodded in response and they entered the cafe.

"So, what will you be having?" Mrs. Minilina asked.

* * *

A short time later they returned to the room, Mrs. Minilina had a steak and a Pepsi, and Steph and Mark decided to split a huge sandwich (not even Mark could have eaten that thing). Selena had a breaded chicken sandwich with BBQ dressing, and a nurse had brought in a malt not too long after everyone sat down and started to eat.

It had been a rough day and it had turned into a nice night of chatting and watching Smackdown! live, (Steph had called Shane and asked if he'd run things that night), DX-Mahon was running wild and Steph surprised everyone with a "Enjoy it while you can. We'll be back. You can't keep the undead down."


I'm in a calm placid mood right now. I do believe I'm going to go read some fanfiction and listen to something turned down really low. Or I might even work on something, who knows?

I hope you all enjoyed this. We'll be back at the live events soon!

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