Not My Usual Self.

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I decided not to go to Ray's house that day. Of course since I live around his way, I had to ride past it. But I wish I never did. When I rode by I slowed down just a bit and noticed something that made my heart stop for the slightest second. In the back of the Lopez's house, about 4 trash cans were filled with the portraits that I have given Ms. Lopez, Jaz and Ray as a gift. 

My heart broke out into a million little pieces. That was the day I had given up on everything. When I stopped thinking about Ray. Stopped everything; blinking, moving, feeling, and breathing. 


A couple of days later I was still torn up and out of my element. I guess people liked this side of me because no one bothered. Or maybe it was because no one noticed.. or cared. 

Jasmin and Nay tried talking to me, but I was just so baffled I ignored them. I stopped raising my hand in school. I forgot to pass in my homework. I began disappointing my dad. And began arguing with him as well. That rarely ever happened. I know he could tell something was up. He didn't ask but I didn't expect him too. I could never tell him the reason why I was so upset. I could never tell him that I loved Rayon Lopez. That I gave him and his family at least a week full of gifts and that they trashed them. I couldn't tell him that they trashed his bare hand made paintings. He would be crushed. And even though I told him everything, I just wanted to keep this one to myself. 

"Shhh! Why are you so loud?"

I continued doing my geometry homework ignoring the people just walking in the library. The person was right though. Why be ignorant and talk loud in a library? I turnt my head over to see who just spoke. 

I should have guessed.

"Cause I'm Mexican nigga! We loud!"

My eyes melted on dreamy Jacob Perez as he stood there next to.. him. Jacob's afro was always perfect. He looked nice today. 

"Real shit, I thought Mexicans were suppose to be quiet. You know, when yall cross the border-"

"Chillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Ray, you forced it." Jacob groaned.

Ray smirked and signaled Jacob to follow him. I watched as Ray the rat bitch lead Jacob over to the section of the library with the high bookshelves. Since when were they so close? Last time I checked, Ray hated Jacob. They seem suspicious, so I decided to eavesdrop. 

Jacob took off his black Northface backpack and swung it around on his chest. He opened it and passed a shiny silver square to Ray. A condom.

"Thanks bro." Ray whispered with a huge grin.

Jacob looked at his black G-Shock and focused his attention back to Ray  "Anytime man. Tell Melanie to thank me as well. I'm being helpful and preventing her from getting pregnant."

Ray narrowed his eyes at Jacob. "You're not funny. Blue waffle head ass."

Jacob started laughing hysterically. "Aww, Wayon is upset?" He joked around in a baby voice. He extended his arm to Ray's face and pinched his cheeks. Ray hit his arm and Jacob's laugh started dying down. 

"You KNOW you like Melanie. Why lie bro? She's not even that bad." He stated looking Ray straight in the eye.

"No! You. My mom. Craig. Jaz. Nay. The fucking team. All of you say the same shit. I don't like her. Why can'y anybody understand? I don't do stalkers. She's freaking creepy and definitely not my type. I rather go homosexual than date her. Bro, listen. All week, she brought over these hideous ass paintings she claimed her father made. Her dad must be an animal because that's what looks like drew that shit. And look, the next day I seen the painting in the hallway of MY house all hung up and shit. I instantly took it down and threw it in the fucking dumpster where it belongs."

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