The Uninvited

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I’m walking home with Craig today. I invited him over just to play

some Playstation 3. I’m kind of scared for him. Jaz is like a groupie

when it comes to Craig. Stays following him around school like a lost

puppy. Sorry Jaz, boys don’t like that. But it’s funny because it

seems as if Craig doesn’t mind at all. He would tell me if they dated.

Right? I’m so damn confused. Might as well just ask him.



“Do you.. uh.. date Jasmin?”

He laughed a little. “Why?”

“You guys are just so lovey huggy and shit.”

“Lovey huggy?” He shook his head. “No. We don’t bro. But I think she likes me.”

“HA, you think? You should know. It’s mad obvious.”

“WAIT UP!” a voice hollered.

Craig turned around the same time I did.  Speaking of the devil. It

was Jaz. But she was with someone. As they get closer I start to shape

the person out. Jacob.

“What do you want egghead?” I said to Jaz as she caught up to us. 

Jacob shuffled next to Jaz and gave me and Craig dap.

She mocked my voice. “WHAT? What do you mean WHAT? I’m walking home with you!”

“So now all of a sudden you wanna walk home. SUSPICIOUS.” I said in my

most sarcastic voice.

“Oh, shut up.” Jaz snapped back.

“You coming over bro?” Craig asked Jacob

“Naw man, I just came to say goodbye to Jaz and she dragged me over here.”

“Well do you want to come over?” I asked.

“Sorry, I can’t. I have to meet a special someone at Starbucks. Her

favorite.” Jacob said as he smiled over to Jaz.

Jaz just gave a weak smile back then looked down.

“Who is it?” I said with concern in my voice.

“Um. Nobody really.”

Jaz spoke over Jacob. “Taylor.”

My heart sunk.

“Oh cool man, Have fun.”

Jacob looked away. “Thanks man.” Then back at Jaz. “I’m gonna catch up with you later.”

“Alright Jacob. See you later.” Jaz replied as she hugged him goodbye. 

Better leave. Fucking nappy headed bitch want to take my girl. NIGGA FUCK YOU. 

I guess Craig must have noticed my expression. Figured I was upset. But he still decided to be ignorant. 

“Don’t be mad. You got Melanie.” He joked around.

I just looked at him. I decided I’ll leave him with Jaz on our walk to my house. I’ll walk by myself. I gotta clear my head.


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