59: Betrayed and Heartbroken

Start from the beginning

"I wish you wouldn't pretend to be oblivious." I sigh.

"What do you want, Stiles?" Samantha asks again, this time her voice not as friendly.

"Why did you set me up?" I ask simply. Samantha chuckles and starts walking in circles around me. It makes me feel like I'm her prey. "Please don't make up some excuse this time." I add, knowing that she would try and wriggle her way around the truth.

"Fine. Do you really want to know why I did it? I wanted Scott to see you for what you really are." Samantha tells me. I frown in confusion.

"Um, excuse me? I don't go around kissing other people's girlfriends!" I snap.

"Okay, so maybe that isn't the right phrase. Let me reword it. I wanted Scott to see you in a negative light so he could realize how much of a bad influence you are in his life." Samantha answers. I scowl at her.

"I'm not a bad influence for him! If anyone is having a bad impact on his life, it's you!" I exclaim angrily. Samantha raises an eyebrow. "Oh really? Says the guy who has lied to his supposed best friend for years? The guy that pulled Scott out into the woods that night he became a werewolf? Doesn't that make it your fault? You caused all of this to happen. You brought trouble to Beacon Hills and your friends, especially Scott. You caused them chaos, strife and pain while you were the Nogitsune. Who says that they have really forgiven you for that? How do you know they don't blame you for Allison's death?" Samantha questions me. I say nothing. I look away from Samantha. I hear her walking closer to me.

"I know that Scott does blame you for what happened to Allison. He told me. He's still upset about the whole thing. Seeing you every day just makes it worse." Samantha says close to my ear. I shake my head as I look back at her.

"You're lying." I protest quietly, my bottom lip trembling slightly.

"No. I'm really not." Samantha replies with a smile. I take a step away from her.

"This wasn't a good idea. I'm not getting anything out of this conversation." I exclaim as I take another step back.

"Aww, don't leave yet. We've only just started talking." Samantha pleads. She walks closer to me and starts circling around me again. "Did you tell Scott that he can't talk to me?" I ask her as I narrow my eyes.

"No. If he doesn't want to talk to you, then maybe he's moved on from you." Samantha tells me. I don't say anything. "The only reason that Scott hung out with you and helped you is because he felt sorry for you. He never really was your friend." Samantha continues.

"I don't believe you." I reply defensively.

"Don't you get it? Scott doesn't even want to know you anymore, he's just too nice to say it to your face." Samantha smirks.

"Stop it." I say quietly.

"Look at you," Samantha scoffs as she circles me.

"And you call yourself a Prince. How pathetic." Samantha scowls. Suddenly, her eyes glow pale green. I feel myself being lifted several feet into the air. I flail around and look down at Samantha with panic. She just smiles at me. My heart hammers against my chest. Without warning, I feel myself falling. I yelp in fear before I slam into the ground. Pain shoots through my body. I groan as I roll onto my back, staring up at the sky. I don't think I've broken anything, but I'll definitely have bruises later. Suddenly, I see Samantha walk over to me and kneel down beside me. "Did you really think you could beat me?" She asks in a cold voice. I don't respond as I slowly sit up. I notice her eyes gaze over my neck. Without giving me time to react, Samantha reaches forward and grabs the locket with her hand. She yanks the locket off my neck. My hand instinctively moves to the area where the locket is supposed to hang. I stare at her in shock and horror.

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