"Great! You should bring the snacks!" Lydia claps her hands together.


"The snacks. In case we get hungry? Duh." Lydia rolls her eyes.

"Who's idea was the snacks?" I groan.

"Liam. He told me the idea between third and fourth period." Lydia shrugs.

"Of course it was Liam. Why doesn't he bring the snacks then?" I grumble as I make my way to the jeep. Lydia is slowing down, as she needs to go in the other direction to get to her car. "He wants you to come just as much as I do." She smirks.

"Oh, so it's an excuse now?" I laugh.

"Maybe." Lydia shrugs.

"Whatever. I guess I can try and come." I say as we begin to part ways.

"Good!" Lydia laughs.

"Danny won't be too happy about me ditching though." I comment.

"He'll be fine. It's not like you two are dating or anything." Lydia smirks in return. I roll my eyes.

"Maybe I should tell him about everything. Then he can be forced to pack meetings too." I suggest as I walk further away.

"Go for it, Stiles. Tell him anything you want about the supernatural." Lydia calls out sarcastically.

"Will do!" I reply cheerfully.

"I have a feeling he knows about the supernatural anyway. He was dating a werewolf." Lydia chirps up. She has a good point. Great, now I'm curious. However, I can't exactly go up to Danny and ask if he knows about werewolves or kitsunes, can I? "Alright, see you later!" I call out before I get out of ear shot.

"Yeah, see you tonight!" Lydia replies mischievously. I roll my eyes as I quickly head to my jeep. I jump in, tossing my bag onto the passenger seat. I put my key into the ignition and start the car. I quickly drive back to my house. As I jump out of the jeep, I scan the area, feeling wary. For some reason, I feel like I'm being watched. I try to shake off the uneasy feeling. I quickly hurry inside. I feel better almost immediately. I hurry up the stairs and toss my school bag onto my bed. I pull out my phone and check my messages and phone calls. I sigh guiltily. Scott has tried to call me 10 times in the past week alone. I've ignored every call because I know that he'll be with Samantha and eventually be pulled away from the call. As for the messages, I've seen them, I just haven't really responded. The last message he sent me was about the pack meeting. The rest of the messages made me feel guilty. They were all asking where I have been, am I okay and if I want to hang out sometime. Maybe I should answer him now. I don't want to hurt Scott.

Stiles: I can come to the pack meeting tonight. Tell Liam I'm bringing snacks.

Scott answers almost straight away. It's like he was waiting for me to respond.

Scott: Dude, I'm so glad you can make it! Chris has something important to share with us. He seems worried. I'm sure Liam will love it if you bring snacks. I will too :P

Stiles: Haha, very funny. I guess I'll see you tonight.

Scott: Where have you been all week, Stiles? I've missed you...

I bite my lip, feeling really guilty.

Stiles: I'm sorry, I've just been hanging out with our other friends for a while.

Scott: Oh. Did I do something wrong?

Stiles: No, of course not! I just wanted to hang out with the others, that's all. Besides, I thought you'd like some alone time with Samantha. I wouldn't want to get in the way of that ;)

Creatures from the Ocean (Sciles)Where stories live. Discover now