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"You stupid merman or siren or whatever the hell you are. You shouldn't have done what you did." I grab the sides of his head and slowly start to visualize his brain turning to mush. His eyes, nose, mouth, and ears bleed out. Just as I think I'm in the clear, something grabs my shoulder hard and pulls me back. I gasp in surprise as I fall to the floor. I feel slightly dazed as my head hits the ground. Suddenly, hands grab the collar of my shirt and pull me to my feet. I'm met with a very angry looking Stiles. Great, I got caught. "What the hell are you doing?" He asks, barely containing his rage. His eyes glow pale green, whether he realizes it or not.

"I-I was making sure his head was doing okay." I lie.

"Stop right there, you lying bitch! I saw exactly what you were doing and it wasn't making sure that he was okay." Stiles growls viciously, not letting go of my clothes.

"No, I'm serious! I came in here to check on him and he was bleeding from all parts of his head!" I hiss back.

"You know, it's funny. I don't believe one word you just said." Stiles laughs dryly, his anger seeping through.

"Well, it's the truth!" I lie again, shoving him off of me.

"Stop lying to me you horrible excuse of a mermaid, or I'll-" Stiles suddenly stops talking as he looks over my shoulder.

"What?" I ask before I turn around to see what he is staring at. I gasp in shock. As if from a horror movie, the dead has risen. The other Stiles was sitting up in the bed, looking at me with solid black eyes and pale skin. Not a word is spoken. He does not move, I do not move and Stiles does not move either. Everything looks to be frozen in time. Then, all hell breaks loose. The other Stiles screams at the top of his lungs, breaking everything in the room and probably waking everyone in the house.

"Samantha, you need to get out of here right now!" My Stiles yells at me and for once, he's right. I think I just broke the mind of one of the most powerful creatures there are. However, I'm frozen in place.

The other Stiles slowly gets out of bed, making my anxiety rise. He then starts to come at us at full speed. Stiles grabs my hand and yanks me out of the room and practically shoves me down the stairs. "I'm still beyond mad at you!" He shouts at me, making sure that we know where we stand. I stumble down the stairs and into my boyfriend's arms. I tremble, feeling very afraid. "Stiles, what the hell is going on?" My Scott shouts angrily. Stiles jumps down the flight of stairs. He winces in pain and almost falls over, but the other Scott keeps him steady.

"Run!" Is all either of us could say before the other Stiles appears at the top of the stairs, looking scarier than ever. He looks like a mashup between a sea monster and a demon from hell. I must have messed up the receptors in his brain that tell the difference between water and land. All of us run as fast as we can out the front door. We continue to run down the street in our pajamas. "What the hell is that?" Lydia yells. I look behind us to see that the other Stiles is already chasing after us.

"I don't know!" I yelp.

"It's the other me, you idiot!" Our Stiles screams at me, eyes still a blazing green. He is furious.

"What the f*ck did you do to my brother, Samantha?!" Brody yells.

"Nothing!" I shout back. Suddenly, Stiles shoves me. I fall onto the ground. Everyone else stops.

"Stiles!" Scott yells angrily, but Stiles ignores his friend and the fact we are being chased down by his stupid doppelganger.

"Why shouldn't I just hand you over to the other me right now? Believe me, I want to!" He shouts in my face as kneels down beside me. I tremble. This is the first time I feel truly terrified of Stiles.

Creatures from the Ocean (Sciles)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora