Start from the beginning

"I may or may not deep sea dive for ancient artifacts and then sell them to places like museums. Right before I came to Beacon Hills, I was working on getting treasures from the Titanic debris. I must say that museums pay very well for the ancient treasures." He chirps. Wait, I thought the other Stiles said him and his brother were banned from ever entering the ocean?

"Brody, you aren't supposed to be in the ocean." The other Scott reminds the sirenex.

"Yeah, but no one tells me what the f*ck to do, okay?" He snaps.

"That bitch Diana has got no strings on me." He adds.

"Okay, so clearly you have some built up anger there..." Kira comments. The other Scott thinks for a minute before realizing something. I don't know what it could be, but I'm sure it's something bad.

"Brody, that Trench demon was after everything and everyone associated with you and Stiles. Does that not seem strange that after you disobeyed a rule, a monster starts to attack us?" He questions.

"Stilinskis don't like to follow rules that much." Stiles answers as he exchanges a smirk with Brody.

"Well, this rule it a bit bigger than something like a school rule! It could get you killed!" Taylor groans, slapping his forehead. "Sorry." Brody shrugs, not really seeing the danger in what he has done.

"Guys, come on. That's enough arguing for one day. Let's go and watch some movies." I speak up. Everyone turns to look at me. Stiles sighs. "You're right. Everyone, go out to the living room. Choose a movie. I'll move the other me up to my bedroom or something." Stiles states.

"I'll go with you." The other Scott offers. I glance over at this world's Scott. I can't read his expression, but he doesn't look too happy though. Huh, weird. Maybe he's jealous that his best friend is hanging out with his doppelganger more. Serves him right, after the way that he has been treating Stiles lately. I'm pulled out of my thoughts as everyone starts to move, Isaac gently pulling me along. We all make our way to the living room.

Brody, Stiles and the other Scott all rush over to the sofa where the other Stiles is still laying. He looks peaceful in his sleep. I watch as the other Scott picks up his boyfriend and starts to leave the room. Stiles quickly follows him. Brody looks torn for a minute, but then decides to sit down with his boyfriend. Isaac pulls me down onto the sofa and I snuggle up close to him. Isaac wraps an arm around me and I lay my head on his shoulder. "So, what movie should we watch?" I ask the group curiously. As I have not been on land for very long, I don't know many movies, if any, so there's no point for me to have an opinion on the matter.

"Star Wars!" The other Liam shouts.

"The Notebook!" Lydia insists.

"Transformers!" My boyfriend suggests.

"Harry Potter!" Our Liam screams.

"The Hunger Games!" Kira pleads.

"Cheech and Chong!" Brody shouts.

"Silent Hill." Derek calls out with a creepy smile. That sounds a little scary. I am pretty sure that I won't like scary movies. There is no way I can sit through that! I hope to god that one doesn't get picked.

"Shaggy Dog!" Scott calls out with a smile spread across his face. Samantha giggles at Scott's response.

"Bridesmaids!" Malia calls out.

"Pirates of the Caribbean, but only the one where the mermaids drown the sailors!" Samantha says in excitement. We all turn to her in confusion. "Why that one in particular?" I ask suspiciously.

"Because it's my favorite. That was the only way I knew how to describe it." Samantha shrugs.

"You could've just said the title." Brody points out.

Creatures from the Ocean (Sciles)Where stories live. Discover now