Start from the beginning

"Time to go crash a party."

Stiles-1 POV

When the ringing in my ears finally stops, I look over to see the other me already talking with his brother. Damn, that was fast. I hurry over to them so I can find out what is going on. "What the hell are you guys planning?" I question the two. They quickly take a glance at me then turn back to talk. However, they aren't even talking. They were using some type of mind thing and from their facial expressions, it wasn't pleasant. Brody finally threw his hands up in defeat and then marches into the house.

"What was all that about?" I question for a second time. My doppelganger turns to me and frowns.

"He is going to erase what Scott just saw." He answers.

"W-what?" I ask in disbelief.

"How else were we going to get out of that dilemma?" He tries to reason with me.

"I don't know, but I don't like the idea of Scott's memory being tampered with..." I mumble. The other me hangs an arm around my shoulder. "He will be fine, don't worry. Come on, let's go inside." The other me suggests. The two of us walk back into my house, unsure of what will be waiting for us.

Scott-1 POV

"How could you do that to my Stiles?!" I scream at the other me, getting really close to his face. He pushes me back and then flashes his fangs. I do the same and tackle him onto the couch.

"Cause you abandoned him for that bitch!" He yells back, grabbing my throat. What does he mean?

"What does that mean?!" I growl trying to push him off. It didn't work however. The only outcome was me falling onto his chest. He wraps his arms around my waist, making it impossible to get off. At this point, I just give up. "He's your best friend! You can't just abandon him! I have seen it with my own eyes, Scott. You're practically ignoring him and only thinking about Samantha. What if Stiles is the one trying to protect you and Samantha is lying to you?" He shouts at me, eyes flashing red.

"I don't believe you! I would never-" I am cut off when I hear an ear splitting scream coming from outside.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" The other me whimpers, letting go to cover his ears.

"I don't know!" I gasp as I manage to push the doppelganger off me. I cover my ears, but they continue to ring. God, I hate werewolf hearing right now. Suddenly, I think of something. "Is that... is that Stiles screaming?" I ask the other me. I watch as his face falls.

"Maybe..." He mumbles. The two of us continue to clamp our hands over our ears to block out the horrific noise. After a minute or so, the screaming stops. My ears are still ringing, but I let go of them. I sigh in relief and fall back to the floor. I look over to the side to see the other me lying right next to me with the same relieved, but confused expression.

"Wow, that scream really f*cked you two up huh?" A familiar voice laughs. We both look towards the door to see Brody standing there with a grin. I quickly get to my feet, as does my doppelganger. "What are you doing here?" I ask suspiciously.

"I'm here to fix my brother's mistake. Again." Brody answers while rolling his eyes in annoyance.

"Are you about to do what I think you're about to do?" The other me asks worriedly.

"Yep." Brody smiles. The other me sighs and steps away from me. I frown.

"What is going on?" I mutter in confusion and fear. Brody walks closer to me, eyes glowing aqua.

"I'm so sorry for what I'm about to do." He smiles sadly at me. I gulp nervously.

Stiles-1 POV

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