Chapter 15- Is It True?

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OKAY, so... no one wanted to see this chapter coming but here it is. I'm sorry in advance, but please stick with me on this! <3

Avery rushed up the stairs and was a bit out of breath. Presley stopped her half way up, looking horrified, "You do NOT want to go up there."

"Yes, YES, I do..." She nodded, "Let me by!"

"It's bad-" She grabbed Avery, "Don't."

"Bad? Bad.. how?" She already knew the answer to that.

"Kayla- talking about... you and Freddie-" She whispered, grabbing Avery's arm and forcing her down a few steps, "I don't know what she showed her, but she showed her something...."

Avery shook her head, "With Bryce, there's no telling what he could have."

"Oh dang..." Presley pushed Avery, "Go..."

Avery didn't question, she just moved along and turned to head down in the dugout. Once in there, she turned to question, "What in the world?"

"Chelsea was staring you down. You don't need that right now. You've GOT to talk to Dansby and Freddie before she gets to them..."

Avery nodded, and frowned as Presley grabbed her stomach, "Pres? Are you okay?"

Presley nodded, "Yes. And before you question me, I'll make it easy for you, YES. I am. But this is not the time to discuss it!"

Avery gave a soft smile, "Oh my God, I needed this good news today." She hugged Presley, then headed towards the locker room in search of the guys. One, or both of them, had to be there.

She looked around, but there were no signs of either, checking her phone, she noted a text from Dansby saying he had headed back to the hotel. That was odd, but nothingness, she would go there to find him.

She quickly called Freddie as she exited the ballpark, and was frustrated when he didn't answer, "Dang it, Freeman.." She mumbled.

The hotel was in walking distance, and in a matter of minutes, she was walking in the lobby. Hurrying up to their room, she quickly made her way in. Her eyes searched the room, but she didn't see Dansby...

"Looking for someone?" A familiar voice called out with a smirk.

"Dang it-" She groaned, turning and coming face to face with him. "What the heck are you doing in my room?"

He laughed softly, "Everyone around here knows me. I got connections..." He slid the room key card in her hand and watched her closely. He seemingly loved the look of fear and confusion in her eyes, "Plus, we have GOT to talk..."

"I don't have anything to say to you, Bryce."

"OH, but I think you do.. you see, I'm pretty sure you met my girl- Kayla. She's all for destroying you. I think you probably know why by now..."

Avery glared at him, "I don't care, get the heck out of here, or I'll call the cops!"

"Again, do you think they're going to believe you over me? Not a chance..." He stepped closer to her, causing her to back up. Finally, she was against the wall, but she didn't turn her head like she usually did, she stared him down, "Aw, look at that, Swanson's made you brave. Bravo-" He pushed her shoulders, pinning her there, "Since your boyfriend isn't around, maybe we can have some fun."

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