Chapter 18- Look at What You've Lost

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The night passed and morning came. All Avery wanted to do was sleep. It was well after two when she heard her phone beeping. She hoped she'd see Dansby's name on the screen, but it was to no avail. She quickly tossed it aside when she saw it was Freddie. The game wasn't until seven, so she wasn't forced to face the world just yet.

Only a few minutes had passed before Avery decided to look at her phone once more. With a frown, she unlocked it and began to scroll through the pictures. One by one, she looked at each picture of her and Dansby. They looked so happy, and Avery was positive, she'd never seen her own smile so genuine. The memories of their short time together were almost too much...

"Whatcha doing there?" Presley peered over her best friend's shoulder, clearly seeing what she was doing.

"OH, what? NOTHING." She quickly shut her phone off, and tossed it aside, "What are you doing?"

"No, no.." Presley mused, "This isn't about me, I ask you first..."

"You're pregnant, though. Let's talk about that-" Avery nodded, "Does Ender know yet?"

"No. Why don't you just walk up to Dansby, grab him by the face, and kiss him until you're both breathless?"

"He won't have any of that. You saw how he acted last night! Why haven't you told Ender?"

"Because he may not be happy. If I were in your situation, I'd be making him hear me out.." Presley paused, "Why are we playing twenty questions?"

"I'm not sure!"

"Come on, Avery. Dansby loves you too. Ender said he's been miserable all day. He doesn't even want to play tonight."

Avery frowned, "That isn't my fault or my problem. Like I said, Dansby is done with me. Stop ignoring my question. Why are you scared to tell Ender?"

"Because," Presley stalled, even though she knew she'd eventually have to answer, "I'm scared he's not ready for all of that. Why don't text Dansby?"

"Why would Ender not be ready? He loves you. And are you hard of hearing? I just told you, he won't listen."

"You haven't tried hard enough. And because he made some dumb comment last week about how he was happy it was just the two of us..."

"I'm sure you carrying his child would change his mind. And I have tried... it's his move."

"You know what? We could sit here all day and bicker back and forth, but this isn't getting us anywhere. Besides," Presley glanced down to her watch, "It's almost two-thirty. Batting practice is in an hour. I told Ender I would meet him."

Avery sighed and laid back on the bed. She didn't want to leave.

"You should come. It'll do you good."

She sat back up, her gaze on the floor. If Avery had it her way, she wouldn't be going anywhere. But, alas, she had a job to do, "Fine. I'll go. But only because of work."

"That's my girl." Presley leaned over and hugged her best friend tightly. God knows, she sure was going to need it.

♥ ♥ ♥

Dansby was frustrated and it showed with each swing of the bat. Each time the ball came at him, he was hitting, harder and harder. It didn't take a genius to tell, he wasn't quite himself.

"I pity the poor soul who you're envisioning as that baseball..." Jace walked up, leaning against the side of the cage as he watched Dansby continue to swing, "I hope you carry this onto the field.

Step Up to The Plate (Dansby Swanson)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin