Chapter 4- I'll Keep You Safe

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The next day came quickly, and without much sleep for Avery. She had a lot on her mind between the argument with Bryce and the conversation with Freddie. She knew Bryce hadn't changed much, but that wouldn't cause her to leave him. He loved her deeply, and like he'd always told her, no one else would give her that.

"AVERY!!!! I FOUND YOU!!!" Presley called out from across the hotel lobby, where Avery was having breakfast.

"Presley?!" Avery jumped up, and hugged her best friend tightly, "Oh my God, what are you doing here?!"

"Built up vacation time!! I HAD TO SEE YOU! I miss you so much!"

"It's only been a couple days, Pres," Avery mused, "But I missed you horribly too!"

The girls made small talk, before a few moments of silence passed. Presley ordered her breakfast, then turned her attention back to Avery, "Are you okay?"

Avery was picking at her food, and couldn't have seemed any further away if she'd been in Canada, "Yeah, I'm good."

"You're not," Presley leaned forward, "You're not okay. What's going on?"

"Nothing, Okay? Let it go."

"Fine. I will let it go for now but just know, I'm keeping an eye on you." Presley was worried, but wouldn't pry. It would come out in due time.

Hearing a bit of commotion at the door, the girls turned to see what the fuss was about. Avery was extremely surprised with who she saw emerge from the crowd, "Dansby?"

Presley watched as her best friend stood, and greeted the guy with a smile. It took her only a second to pick up the tone from the interaction between the two...

"Avery, hey. Sorry, Freddie told me you were staying here. You uh, left this on the field last night. I didn't know if you needed it before the game." He gave her a shy smile and watched as she took the iPad from his hand.

"OH, wow, thank you. I... I don't know how I forgot it. I was so tired from traveling and my first game here, I didn't even realize. My boss would have killed me."

"I figured." He watched her, taking in the way her hazel eyes sparkled under the soft light. He was curious, to say the least, "Well... I see you're busy, I guess I'll get going."

"No, no. Stay! Have breakfast with her," Presley spoke up, jumping up from her seat. She probably shouldn't do that, but when she was completely honest, she just didn't like Bryce, "I just got a call, I've got to take it!"

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