Chapter 9- How Much Did You Hear?

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Trigger warning: This chapter hints at a bit of violence. It's nothing too bad, I just thought I'd let you know. Again, I don't think this of Bryce at all. In fact, I think he's a super sweet guy! THIS JUST WORKS FOR THE STORY, which is fiction. haha. Thanks for reading!!!

Avery sat in the quiet locker room. Freddie had been called away to talk to the officials, giving her one more thing to worry about. She heard someone coming and turned to see Presley moving to take a seat beside her.

"Hey," Her best friend draped her arm around her, "You're not okay, I know, so I won't ask..."

Avery sighed, leaning her head on Presley's shoulder, "How much did you hear?"

"Enough to know Freddie Freeman was- is- in love with you. What on earth kind of spell do you have on baseball players? If you get near Kris Bryant, I swear to God--"

Avery had to laugh, "OH, I've been near him quite a few times...I must say, he is pretty attractive-"

"You suck..." Presley shared in the laugh, before turning the tone back, "Seriously, Avery. Why would you ever choose Bryce over Freddie? Not being mean, but- Freddie Freeman, come on."

"I didn't know," She lied. She felt it. She knew all along, but something about Bryce kept her going back. She couldn't let go then, and still, couldn't now.

"Well, that ship sailed, obviously. Don't let the same thing happen with Dansby."

"He'll tell, Pres. I'm not doing that."

"You heard Freddie, you're more important..."

"I know, but he's more important to me. Him and Chelsea..."

"And Dansby." Presley sighed. That had to be a very terrible position for her.

"And Dansby-" Avery whispered, admitting that out loud for the first time, "I know it's only been a month, but.... God, I can't believe I'm saying this... it's just... it's there. I want to know more about it."

"Never know in life unless you take a risk," Presley shrugged, "If I hadn't applied for the job here, I wouldn't have been able to move. I wouldn't be close to you and Ender.."

Avery smiled, "It's so nice to see you happy."

"I bet. Now it's your turn-"

Avery sighed, knowing the game ending was drawing closer. She had to get back out and do a few interviews. Hopefully, everything would fall into place after she talked to Bryce later that night. She doubted it, but a girl could dream.

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