Chapter 10- You're a Knock Out

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By four, she had made it to the stadium. Presley was supposed to meet with Ender for a late lunch before the game, but she'd opted out to accompany Avery, just in case Bryce started something. Once inside the stadium, Avery quickly made her way to the clubhouse, avoiding everyone as she found a corner office and hid.

"I'm not seeing Bryce..." Presley watched out the window as the Nationals practiced on the field.

"Oh, I'm sure he's here..."

"Nope. He's not. He's been suspended for five games. He came to practice with alcohol in his system--"

The girls jumped at the sound of Freddie's voice, and Avery refused to turn around, "Uh, that's... that's good."

Presley moved to stand in front of Avery, facing Freddie, "Yep. Sure is- he deserves it after the stuff he tried to pull with you yesterday...."

Freddie nodded, peeking around Presley. Something was definitely not right, "Uh, are you okay... Avery? I can't believe you didn't know your boyfriend had been suspended...."

"He's not my boyfriend." She stated, bluntly.

"Oh?" Freddie's curiosity peeked, and he stepped closer. That couldn't be good news for her, "Turn around, Avery. Talk to me..."

She closed her eyes and swallowed hard. She didn't want to face him. He was going to freak out, and honestly, she didn't have the strength to deal with it, "No."

Presley shook her head, pleading with Freddie to leave her alone. But it was to no avail.

"Avery, I remember what happened last time you tried to leave..." He stopped, not to crowd her, and patiently waited for her to face him. He was already feeling sick, "Please, I just want to help..."

"Fine," She whispered, slowly turning to face him. The light from the window poured in and hit every bruised and swelled spot on her face. It had to look even worse than before because she sure felt it. When she finally faced him, his expression said it all.

Complete shock rushed over Freddie. Never in his wildest dreams did he expect it to look THAT bad. It was much worse than last time when she was in the hospital. He felt so overcome with emotions, "I'm going to freaking kill him..." His voice was even-toned, as he gently touched the side of her face that wasn't bruised, "I hope you understand what I'm saying. He isn't going to get away with this..."

She could see how hurt he was, and closed her eyes, leaning into his touch, "Please, let it go. You have a family to think about now."

"Doesn't mean I care any less for you." He admitted, the two seemingly forgetting Presley was in the room.

"Freddie, please stop." She didn't want any type of feelings. For anyone. And every time he spoke, or Dansby shot her a look, she felt some type of way. She knew the problem wasn't with them, it was her. She just craved a gentle touch. She had for so long. None of her boyfriend's had ever held her the way Freddie had that night. Or looked at her with such passion like Dansby. No one had ever given her those types of feelings, "Stop saying things like that."

Presley was in complete awe. In a months time, she'd seen not one but two men truly look at Avery with so much compassion and love. This situation was quite different, though, she knew it would never happen. It was upsetting to see what could have been, though. From the looks they were exchanging, it could have been pretty special.

"I'm sorry, Avery. I really am," Leaning down, he placed a very friendly kiss on her lips, "I'm going to get this taken care of. You need to go home and rest."

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