Chapter 19- I'm sorry, what?

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"You know, it's going to be so fun... rekindling things." Kayla's finger trailed down Dansby's chest. She missed him, sure, but she wanted him back mostly because she despised the thought of him being with Avery.

A heavy sigh escaped Dansby, as his eyes trailed into the field. He noticed Avery coming out of the Nationals dugout. She never looked his direction. Only a couple of seconds had passed before Bryce also emerged. He wondered what that was about. Dansby felt sickened at the thought. Surely she hadn't... no way.

"How does that sound? Dansby? Dansby..." Kayla frowned, following his gaze. When she saw Avery, she was fuming, "Hey, HELLO. REMEMBER ME?" She turned his face to meet hers.

"Huh? Oh, yeah... sure. Listen, Kayla. I'm sorry, but this was a bad idea." He stood, forcing her off his lap.

She protested, "You said you'd give us a chance."

"I did. Looks like it's not going to work out."

Kayla frowned and attempted to speak, but he left so quickly she couldn't get the words out, "I'll call you!" She shouted.

♥ ♥ ♥

The game dragged on what seemed like forever. Dansby was sure this had to be the longest game in history. He'd went to speak with Avery, but found out through Ender she had taken the night off and went back to her room. He took that as a sign, maybe they weren't ready to talk just yet.

Presley was also fidgety. She wasn't feeling any of the best, and it was made worse by the fact Avery wasn't answering any of her text. She thought about leaving early but didn't want to distract Ender when he noticed she wasn't there.

Finally, the game had wrapped up and the team was hitting the showers. Presley anxiously awaited Ender and grabbed his hand when he came from the locker.

"Hey babe," He kissed her softly, "You feeling any better?"

"Yeah, sure," Presley lied and lead him out of the locker room. She wanted to tell him so bad, but she just wasn't sure how, "I'm kind of hungry, though."

Ender nodded, "Me too. What are you in the mood for?"

They stopped by his rental car and Presley turned to face him. She let her hands rest on his face and leaned forward to kiss him, "You sound good--" A smile formed, as she continued the kiss.

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