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A wife lived in an apartment on the 20th floor. She was having an affair with another man other then her husband. In the end they started having sex.

She heard her husband come through the front door.

"Stay like a statue and don't move!" She hissed at the other man.

Husband: who is this?

Wife: it's a sex robot I bought.

Husband: okay. Let's have sex now

Wife: I can't sweetie. I got my period yesterday. I'll go make you a coffee instead

After she left the husband said "damn I'm horny. I'll just fuck this robot!"

He tried having sex with it but the lover said in a metallic sort of way "SYSTEM ERROR. WRONG HOLE. SYSTEM ERROR. WRONG HOLE." The husband looked angry at the 'robot'. "Damn thing must be broken! I'll throw it out the window."

The lover, realising he was on the 20th floor quickly said in a robot voice "SOFTWARE UPDATE. PLEASE TRY AGAIN."

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