Drivers Licence

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A mother is driving her daughter over to her friends house for a play date.

"Mummy." The little girls asks "how old are you?"

The mother looks over at the little girl. "Now sweetly. You aren't suppose to ask a women her age, it's impolite." She said, putting her eyes back on the road.

Later the girl asks "how much do you weigh?"

"Now really. These questions are rude and none of your business." The mother replied.

Undaunted the girl asks one more question. "Okay. Why did you and daddy get divorced then?"

"Honestly. These questions are none of your business." The mother drops the girl off at her friends and goes away without another word. The little girl turns to her friend and tells her what happened. "Mummy wouldn't tell me anything" she finished off.

"All you need to do is look at her drivers licence. It's like a report card it'll tell you all the detail you need to know" the friend replied.

Later that night the girl goes up to her mother. "I know how old you are, 32"

Surprised the mother asks "how did you know?"

"I also know that your weight is 68kg." She said steadily.

"How in heavens name do you know?" The mother is looking at her, gaping slightly.

The little girl looks triumphantly at her. "I also know why daddy divorced with you."

"Oh really? Why is that?" The mother asks cautiously.

To which the girl replies

"Because you got an F in sex."

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