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Glenns pov

Negans people are coming today

I get dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans

Maggie rubs the sleep out of her eyes and stands up

She puts on some clothes also and ties her hair into a ponytail, letting some shorter pieces of hair fall on her face

I walk up to her and sweep the hair behind her ears

I smile at her and kiss her forehead

After a while, we walk outside

Looks like negans already here

They walk into our house and start going through everything

I sigh and keep walking

we come across Daryl and stop

"I'm ready for that prick to leave already and he just got here." Daryl growls

"Me to." I sigh

Maggie nods in agreement

"Ricks been talking to that guy Jesus, I think we're gonna see how many people he has and make a army." Daryl says

"I hope they have a lot, Negan needs to die." Maggie whispers to us so nobody can hear

We nod

After a couple of minutes of talking about how we could kill him, we part our ways

We see Rick and Negan

I grasp Maggie's hand and try to walk the other way without Negan seeing us

"Hey! Maggie! Long time no see!" He says smiling

She turns around and Negan winks at her

I feel her tense up

We walk the other way and he doesn't say anything else

-3 hours later-

They finally leave so we get ready to go see Jesus's camp

I pack what I need and so does Maggie

We get in the RV and everyone takes a seat

Rick starts it up and we leave...
I stir Maggie awake when we arrive, she groans and lifts her head up looking around

They let us in and Jesus takes us to the man named Gregory

This building is huge

Rick and Gregory talk for a while in another room

I sit down on one of the couches with Maggie

Rick walks out looking a little mad

"He won't listen to me." Rick mumbles

I sigh

Gregory walks out of the room also

"You and your friends can go Ricky." He says and walks away

Rick looks pissed

"I didn't want him as a leader here, nobody does." Jesus says

"Then why don't you just take over?" Maggie asks

"I'm not a leader." Jesus says and we just nod

"Why don't to go talk to him." Rick says that Maggie

"Why me?" She asks

"your becoming a leader so you should start doing these things. besides, I shouldn't go back in there." Rick says

She nods and walks into the room.


Maggie's pov

I step into the room and he is sitting in his chair

He pops his head up and looks at me

"I'm Maggie. I've heard that you have been giving the saviors your stuff for a long time now. I was thinking maybe we could form a army an-" I say

"Woah woah woah stop right there Margaret, it's none of your business what we do here. Now it would be great if you and your people could leave here." He says in a bitchy attitude

"My names Maggie not Margaret." I say sternly

"Okay hunny." He says

I sigh and take a deep breath because I really wanna throat punch this guy

"But you need to leave dear. Now." He says

I throw my hands on the table in frustration and stand up, walking out the door

"That didn't work at all." I say to everyone outside

"Yeah Gregory's a hard nut to crack." Jesus says

"He'll realize one day that he needs to do something." I say

"Yeah maybe." Jesus says....


Sorry it's been ages since I've updated

I just haven't been in the best mood and I've been feeling really down

I don't really like this chapter but I'm just trying to throw something up for yall

Again I'm sorry for not updating

Buh bye

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