Not safe

391 9 3

Maggie's pov

We walk down an old road when we come up on this sign

It says.. For those who arrive survive, terminus

I don't know about this..

"What do yall think?" Rick ask everyone

"Hell. might as well give it a shot." Daryl says

"I don't know about this, it seems sketchy." Michone says

"Yeah I agree with her, it seems sketchy but the group might be there and it might be safe." I say

"We can give it a shot." Glenn says

"Yall wanna try it?" Rick asks

We all nod our heads yes

We look at the map and head towards the place called terminus...

We walk for about 1 or 2 hours before we come up on a building with terminus written on it in big letters

"I don't know if this is a good idea." I speak up

"Let's hide some guns in the dirt,"Rick says," if all hell happens to break loose and they take our guns, we come out here."

We all nod

We walk through the gate and a guy comes out

"Welcome to terminus!" The guy says," I'll need to take your guns and all weapons pretty please with sugar on top."

"Why." Rick asks

Then all of a sudden guns are pointed down on us

More guns then we have

"Guns please." The guy smirks

We all hesitated but we ended up handing over the guns and knives

I try to hide a knife in my boot

I slip it in there and he doesn't notice

He takes everything and hands it to another person

I don't like this place and I see Rick trying to find a way to get out

I walk closer to Glenn and he pulls me beside him close

"I want everyone in this train car here!" He guy screams

I flinch and Glenn grabs my hand

"Ringleader first!" He shouts

Rick hesitates then walks in

"Samurai next!"

(Sorry I don't know if that's how you spell it)

Michone walks in with Rick

"Archer!" He shouts s

Daryl walks in

"The love birds!"

Me and Maggie walk in

(Carl stayed outside with Judith btw)

We get in the train car and the door is slammed shut

"We need weapons now." Rick whispers

I pull the knife out of my boot

"Good job Maggie." Rick says

"Can I use that to make a spear out of this stick?" Daryl says

I nod and hand it to him

The door opens and that guy from earlier and about 10 more guys Come out

"We need the lady's please." The guy says

Glenn grabs a hold of me and pulls me towards him Rick does the same with Michone

"Why?" Rick says

"Because. I said so, please don't make me come in there." He says

Glenn pushes me behind him

I see the knife laying on the ground

I reach down and pick it up and put it in my boot again

A bunch of guys come in there and take me and Michone

"No!" I hear Glenn scream

Then the train car gets locked and shut again and I hear pounding on the door
Probably from Glenn

The guys take us in another room and they punch us and beat us

They try to take Michones shirt off and I knock the guy out that's on top of me with the bottom of my knife

I stand up and stab 3 people in the head, they fall to the ground dead

I knock the guy out that's on top of Michone and kill him

She stands up and grabs one of the dead mans knife and we kill the last person

He falls to the floor dead

I see bruises forming on my arms and shoulders

I can't imagine what my face looks like right now

We grab the guns out of there holster and we run out to the train car

I hear pounding inside

I slowly open it and there's people beating up Rick Daryl and Glenn
Oh Glenn please be okay

There's only about 3 bad people here

I sling the door open and there trying to fight back the best they can

I shoot the guy that's on top of Glenn and he jumps up

Michone shoots the guys on Daryl and Rick

I run to Glenn and hug him

He hugs me back tightly

"Are you okay!" He ask panicked

I sorta nod

"Oh Maggie come here." He says

"Glenn your the one with the bloody nose and busted lip." I say

" I don't care, your covered in bruises oh my god what happened." The asks

"They were beating us up and I grabbed the knife when I saw they were taking off Michones shirt, they were gonna take mine off but I didn't give him time." I say

"Glenn.." I say faintly

"Yes?" He responds

"We need to get out of here now." I say

"I know we do." Hey answers

"Everyone out of here in 3 2 1.. Go g0!" Rick yells

We all run out and hop the fence and run to Carl and Judith

"Run!" Rick screams

We all run out of there as fast as we can and Carl gets the memo and runs with us while he holds Judith.

We run far and far

Till we can't see any more signs about terminus

Then we rest

We sit down under a tree and rest

We all drink water and fall asleep in a nearby RV

Rick takes first watch and I fall asleep exhausted in Glenn's arms.....

Short one, but here's an update:)

Tell me what you think about it!

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