Stay with me

355 11 8


Maggies pov

I wake up in Glenn's arms

The arms that protect me everyday

I sit up and rub my eyes

Glenn gets up and grabs his bag slinging it on the couch taking a slim Jim out and breaking it in half giving me half

I thank him and eat slowly

Rick sits at a table with blood shot eyes and depression on his face

I stand up and walk to the table and sit beside him

"Wanna talk?"I ask

He sighs

"I-I just, I don't know if Carl or Judith is out there." He says

"There okay, they will fight." I say

Rick nods and wipes his eyes quickly from a falling tear

I've only seen Rick cry a couple times

I smile a little and pat his back while standing up and walking back to Glenn

We all get together and talk for a little

"I'm tired of getting split up." I say to everyone

"Me to." Daryl says in a raspy voice

Carol nods

Glenn looks at me and smiles

"Jesus Christ your beautiful." Glenn whispers

I grin and carol smiled at us

"That was random." I whisper/giggle

He smiles bigger

I lean my head on his shoulder

Then all of a sudden we hear screams outside

We all jump up and hurry out the door to see what's going on

I pull my gun out and we step outside

"Should we follow the screams?!" I whisper/yell to Rick

He huffs

"Yeah let's go." Rick whispers and we run to follow the screams


Glenns pov

We run towards the screams and we finally pop out at an open area

Rick gasps and Maggie freezes with her gun still up

Everyone stops behind us, looking at the scene in front of us

Remember that creep that hit on Maggie in the prison? Remember how we just locked him in a cell after i beat him?

Well when the prison got taken over, he must've gotten out of that cell...

I step in front of Maggie so this prick doesn't try anything

He's already harassed her enough as it is

Maggie looks scared for her life

I look beside the man that stands in front of us and he has a bloody knife in his hand and a woman lays beside him dead 

I hear Maggie whimper at the site and walk a little closer to me were her front in presses against my back

I feel her hand touch my back softly

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