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Maggie's pov

It's been another week, every day me and Daryl get torched somehow

Daryl usually gets beaten if he don't do something he's suppose to

And I usually get raped

I feel so weak

Negan tried to get Daryl to do something to me but he refused and got another beating

Today is the day that we go to Alexandria to get their stuff

The cell door opens, letting in light blinding us a bit

Dwight grabs Daryl by the back of his shirt and a different guy comes to me and grabs me by the back of my shirt as well

They drag us out the room and into the truck

We get our hands tied together and the truck cranks up

It starts moving and we're off to Alexandria...
When we arrive, they pull us out of the back of the truck and and on the ground

They untie us and we get in a line

"Little pig little pig! Let me in!" Negan yells and beats his bat on the gate

Rick opens it and his eyes land on us

He looks at Negan and he lets everyone in

"Everybody move out! Take half of everything!" Negan yells and everyone goes there own way

Me and Daryl along with Dwight's group

They open a door and Glenn stands there

He looks at me catches a sob in his throat

I let a tear run down my face and look at him in the eyes

Glenn comes outside near me, about to hug me before Negan walks up

"Did I give you permission to see him?" He says pointing at Glenn

"Please, just for a minute." I beg

"No." He says sternly

"Negan, I'll do whatever if you just let me see him." I say tearing up

Negan takes me by the shoulder and throws me forward so I walk faster

"Now go help everyone load stuff up." He says

I nod and go inside

I take a box that someone handed to me and take it outside to the truck

I load it up and go back in for more

Every time I walk back in the house I make eye contact with Glenn and I have to catch the sobs coming out as I walk by him

I just want him to hug me

I need to feel his warmth and love

It's not a want anymore, it's a need

After we're done loading everything up, Negan walks over to me

He puts his arm over my shoulder like we're best friends

I just stand there

Glenn and Rick stand in front of us and Glenn looks like he wants to pounce but that would certainly make things worse

"Negan can she please stay?" Rick asks

"Nope." He says

Glenns whole body tenses up

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