He's back

351 10 5

Glenn's pov

I can't believe what I see

Am I seeing right?

"DADDY!" Maggie screams and runs up to him

Hershel's back

He was walking towards Maggie with his arms open

Maggie flys into his arms and they hug for about 2 minutes

Not letting go once

Maggie starts crying tears of joy and we are all smiling at them

Hershel comes up to me and hugs me to

"Thank you for keeping my little girl safe." Hershel whispers to me

I nod and smile

He pats my back and hugs the rest of the group

"Daddy! This man knows how the disease started! And he knows how to stop it!" Maggie says pointing and the man named Eugene

Hershel introduces himself to Abraham, Eugene, and Rosita

"Oh! I almost forgot with all the excitement of seeing all of yall! This is Tara everyone, she helped me get here and stay alive." Hershel says

A girl steps up that we didn't notice before, she looks around Maggie's age.

We introduce ourselves to her and she seems to be like one of us

We continue walking down the abandoned road with the only noise is leaves tumbling across the road from the light wind in the air

I hold Maggie's hand in mine and softly stroke my thumb across the top of her hand

She smiles

A real smile

I haven't seen a real smile on her face in a while

I'm glad everyone is here
I'm glad our group is back and stronger
I'm glad Maggie is smiling
I'm glad to be alive right now

I'm just glad...

We start our way to DC to hopefully save the world

"Rick, think we can go somewhere to find a van or bus or something?" I say to Rick

"Yeah Glenn, we'll stop in the nearest town and see what's there, but for now we just have to keep walking." Rick says

I nod and keep walking for about another hour

We find a old RV on the side of the road

Daryl jumps in and starts it up

Rick jumps in there and looks at how full the gas tank is

He smiles and jumps out

"It's full of gas." He says

We all hop in and take a seat

Abraham gets in the driver seat and we all sit back on the rest of the chairs and sofas

And we make our way to DC..


Yeah I think that these chapters are getting shorter 😂 sorry lol, I might keep making them shorter and I'll update like 3 or 4 times a week. Or should I make them longer and update like 1 or 2 times a week? Let me know. Thanks for reading yall 😊

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