Locked in

309 11 8

Maggie's pov

I wake up and I'm in some kinda basement type thing

It's freezing here

"Oh thank god." Someone says and scoots closer to me


"Whe- where are we?" I

"I'm not sure. I just woke up here, your freezing." He says

"They knocked you out and I tried to fight them but there were to many, I don't know who these people are but we need to get out." He says

I nod

A few minutes later some men walk through the once locked door

A red headed women follows behind them

She points a gun at us and laughs

"Lovebirds? Ha!" She laughs

"What the hell do you want from us." Glenn says

She comes closer to us

"What i want is to kill both of you but it's taking me everything I have not to so try something I dare you." She orders

Well She's a little scary

"Your people killed a lot of my people back there in your little home." She spits

"You attacked us, what do you expect." Glenn says

"I expect you to shut up an-" she says but gets cut off by a loud motorcycle outside

She rushes to the door and looks out a window

"Shit they have premo" she says

(I think that's his name. Not positive)

"Give me the walkie." She says and puts her hand out

A guy hands it to her and she starts talking to Rick over the walkie that I'm assuming premo had

"Lower your gun prick, all of you lower it." She spits

"Come on out, let's talk." Rick says over the walkie

"We're not coming out but we will talk." The bitch says," what are you names?"

"I'm Glenn she's Maggie." Glenn says

"I have a Glenn and a Maggie, I'm guessing that's something you want to chat about." She smirks

The walkie goes silent for a second

"We have one of your men, let's trade." Rick says

"I'm listening." She says

"I wanna talk to Glenn and Maggie, make sure there okay." He says

"Say you fine I'll know if you go to try anything else." She says

She shoves the walkie in my face

"Rick were fine." I say and she pulls it away from me

"Rick, it's Glenn. We're both okay." He says and she pulls the walkie away from his face

"So let's trade." Rick says

"Two for one, not much of a deal." She says

"You don't have a choice." Rick says

"We'll think about it." She says

She clips the walkie back on her belt

A man cringes when he wraps his arm up as blood seeps out the towel

"What happened?" Glenn ask him

"A old whore ass bitch shot me at your little camp back there." He says angrily and walks closer to me

I nod and look down

"How much longer dammit!" He shouts

"30 freaking minutes." The lady says pissed off

"He doesn't have 30 minutes, it's gonna get infected and he could loose his arm, maybe his life. I'm not a doctor but my dad lost his leg and I know that much, make the trade with Rick. Let's end this." I say and Glenn nods

"30 minutes." The lady says to the man as she tightens the bandage on his arm

Everyone walks out the room

I just lean my back against the wall and Glenn tries to find a way to get out

"Dammit, all the windows are locked." He mutters

I think I might have a small pocket knife in my boot

I reach down there and I feel nothing. Dang

I must've taken it out when I had a shower at Alexandria

The lady and her people walk back through the door and we sit in silence again

"We can't have yall in the same room, what's you name? Glenn? Yeah come with me." She says and she makes him walk into another room

As he walks out, he looks back at me with a worried face

They slam the door and now I'm alone

I've got to find a way to get out of here and to get Glenn back with me

I stand up and I rub my hands against some kinda sharp object in here

After a while I rip the tape

I pull the rest of it off and throw it on the ground

I stand up and walk around the room to try to find something

I get some metal pipe and I pick it up

I walk out the door they took Glenn in

I sneak around, quietly looking through each door

I stop at one and I peek inside

Glenn's in here!

I open the door as quietly as I can but there's a guy in here...


The man walks to Glenn, nobody knows I'm in here behind this wall yet

I take a small breath and as the man was about the snatch Glenn, I run out there and I raise my pipe up. And I smack the guy in the head and he falls over knocked out

I hit him again and again and again

He's dead now

"You okay?" I ask Glenn out of breath

"Yeah I'm good, you?" He ask me

I nod

I go to the dead man and I take his gun and knife

He has a machine gun and a pistol

I hand Glenn the machine gun and I raise up the pistol and we walk out the door

I walk to another room and that lady's in there, time to finish this.

I raise my pistol up but as I'm about to shoot her, I realize that it will make the rest of the people come in here once they hear the gun shot

Glenn runs up to her and before she realized he's here, He hits her in the back of the head and she falls over knocked out to. I take the knife and I stab her skull.

I take all the ammo and guns from her and we move to another room

We walk in one and the man who got shot in the arm was laying on the floor


I go to him and I stab his skull to

I turn around to say something to Glenn when I'm met with people standing behind us

Mad and ready to kill us...

Probably the shittiest chapter ever, but to be completely honest. I have no idea were I'm even gonna go with this story. Help me please. I don't have much of an imagination so that's why it's shitty and that's why I don't update much

Deuces ✌🏼️

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