Nothing left in this world that isnt hidden

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Glenns pov

I wake up early for my watch shift by the gate

Maggie is still sound asleep. I wish I didn't have to leave her but we all have jobs to do

I also have to go on a run today but that's later

I get down by the gate and sit here for about an hour or 2, then the sun comes up

Surprisingly, there's a knock on the gate

I lift my gun up and ask Rosita who it is

She says a man with a big beard and long hair

I crack the gate open and look through the crack

"Rosita, go get Rick." I say

She nods and runs to ricks house

Rick runs up and Maggie walks behind him

Rick opens the gate and takes the mans weapons, which he gladly let's him

"Jesus?" Maggie ask looking him

"Maggie.. I see you made it back." He says with a small smile

"What's going on here?" I ask

"When I was stuck in the back of that truck with negans people, Jesus snuck in there because he was gonna find out we're Negan lives. They take from his community to." She says

"Is this your husband?" He asks pointing at me

She nods And smiles

"I'm glad you made it back to him." He says smiling

"So am I." She says and me and Rick just watch this

"So what community are you from?" Rick ask

"The hilltop." He says

We nod

"Is Jesus your real name?" Rick ask

"No, my names Paul rovia but my friends call me Jesus." He says lifting his arms up

"Why did you come here?" Rick asks

"To make sure Maggie got my note." He says and smiles

"You did that?" She ask gasping

He nods

She steps forward and hugs me

He hugs her back

"Thank you so much." She says

He nods

I walk up to him and shake his hand

"Thank you for helping her out." I say smiling

He nods

"Maybe we can go inside and talk about your community some." Rick says

Jesus nods and they walk away inside

I put my arm around Maggie and she leans into me

"I love you." She says

"I love you too." I say smiling as I kiss her head

My shifts over so I walk back inside with Maggie

"I gotta go on a run today." I sigh

She nods with her head down

"How long?" She ask

"Shouldn't be to long, probably a few hours. Maybe over night, we'll see how
Far out we go." I say

"Ok." She says but I can tell she doesn't want me to leave

"You okay?" I ask

"Yeah I'm good." She says

I don't push it so I just nod

After a hour or 2, my walkie talkie starts making noises

"Glenn you about ready to go?" I hear Daryl say over the walkie

I pick it up and holds the button down

"I'm coming."I says and stand up

Maggie stands up with me

We walk outside and to the gate were we meet Daryl, Sasha, Tara, and Aaron

I hug and kiss Maggie quickly

"You got this, you always do." She says and smiles

"I love you." I say

"I love you to." She says

We release hands and I walk towards the truck

I get in and Tara gets in beside me, Aaron is in the front while Daryl drives

We drive for what seems like forever but it's only been a hour I think

We arrive in a small little town

Daryl parks and we jump out the truck

Me, Tara, and Sasha go to a gun store to try to find silencers while Daryl and Aaron go to a store across the road to try to find food

I walk into the store and I see no walkers

The rest stay behind incase shit goes down quick

I'm usually quick getting in and out so if something did go bad, it would be better if it was only me so I could run out quickly

I look everywhere and find nothing

I open a fridge and find silencers

Wow there's actually some silencers and a couple of bullets

I pull them out and put them in my pocket

I turn around and trip over a stack of boxes and a mop

I catch myself and walk out the gun store

When I walk out I see Tara and Sasha with there guns up

I walk out fumbling with the door

"Walker?" Tara asks

"Y-yeah it was a walker." I say putting my knife away

"Really?" Sasha asks

"There was a stack of boxes and a mop, I tripped." I say truthfully

Tara burst out laughing and Sasha starts giggling

"I did find these in a fridge though." I say and pulls the silencers out my pocket

"Wow I didn't actually think anything would be left." Tara says

"Number one rule for scavenging, there's nothing left in this world that isn't hidden." I say and walk away

We walk to the store Daryl and Aaron are in and wait outside

A couple of minutes later, they walk out with a few bags full of stuff

We load everything up and head home..

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