Not your fault

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Glenn's pov

"2 weeks later"

It's been 2 weeks since we lost the baby

2 weeks

It's still a little sore for Maggie to walk and do stuff but she's doing better

She can't really run or jump or do stuff like that still because of the pain

Hershel said that if they had the right medicine then she would've been better in a couple of days but we didn't have it

So she's been in pain for longer than usual

She's upstairs doing something and I'm outside doing fence checks

I hear bombs.. And gunshots

(Btw they didn't kill the governor but they killed a lot of his people so they ran off)

I run out to the front to see what's up and the governor and about 50 people were shooting and bombing the prison..

Maggie's in the prison..

I run as fast as I can inside

I see her struggling to run but she's pushing through it and she starts killing walkers that made it into the prison by stabbing there heads

I run to her to help and she just looks so tired and exhausted like she hasn't slept in days, she's doing a lot of work killing these walkers and she starts clutching her stomach and let's out a small cry

I run to her and kill the rest with my gun

I put an arm around her to support her and she looks like she's gonna collapse

We start to fast walk/limp/run out of here

We don't see anyone that we know.. Did they leave us? The bus is gone.. They must've left us.

We run through the back of the prison were they can't see us and we run and run and run.


Maggie's pov




That is what we've been doing for the whole day

I'm still in pain because on my defense I did have surgery done 2 weeks ago with no medicine or anything

Plus a veterinarian did it to me, not a doctor

So I have the right to be in pain right now

My head is spinning around because I'm so hungry

I can see Glenn is hungry to

We're both exhausted

We don't really have any food or weapons

We need a place to sleep because it's getting dark

We find this old library and we walk to it

We open the door and pull our knifes and guns up

2 walkers come out and me and Glenn both stab them, we search the whole library and there's no more

We roll the shelves together so we kinda have our own "room" I guess you could say, we lay down and Glenn wraps his arm around my tiny frame and we lay there

"Drink something." Glenn whispers

I shake my head no because we need to save our water supply

We only have like a bottle in a half, no food

"Maggie drink some, your gonna faint. You haven't drank anything all day." Glenn says

I take the bottle and take a tiny sip and give it back to him

He smiles a little bit and puts the bottle down and wraps me in a blanket and puts his arms around me because it's cold in here at night

It's burning hot in the day time though

"I wonder were the rest of the group is at," I whisper

"I'm sure there fine, maybe we will find them." He says

I nod

"I feel guilty about the prison, all the governor wanted was me." I say

"No, don't feel guilty please don't." He whispers

I just nod because I don't have enough energy to argue

I sit up to get more comfortable and when I do I feel shooting pains through my stomach

I kinda clutch my stomach

Glenn sits up with me

"Everything okay?" He asks

"Mhhmm." Manage to get out

"Here lay back." He whispers

I lay down and Glenn rubs my stomach and it immediately feels better

I curl up to him and fall asleep.....


Glenn's pov

I wake up and Maggie's not beside me..

Where is she

"Maggie!" I call out

"Yes?!" She yells back

We probably shouldn't be yelling because we don't want to attract walkers

"Are you okay?" I yell anyway

"Yeah I'm fine just looking for food in here somewhere." She hollers

I stand up and walk in to the room she's in

"I think there's a gas station a couple miles away from here if you want to try it." I offer

"Yeah sure," she whispers

We both take a small sip of water and grab our things and leave to head towards the gas station.....


Sorry I changed povs so much. And sorry it's a short one

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