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Maggie's pov

We walk back to the house and explain everything to Rick

Rick wasn't happy and so he punched him in the face

It's weird how Aaron waited until daryl and Glenn were inside the house before getting my attention

But I also think that if he wanted to kill me or any of us then he would've done it when I was alone

My mind is spinning around

Aaron is still unconscious so Glenn comes and sits beside me

"You okay." He asks softy

I nod

"He didn't try anything did he?" He asks

"No, that's the weird thing. I trust him but I also don't trust him." I say

"I think we should go, by the pictures and the way he talks.. This could actually be something." Glenn says

I nod

After about 30 minutes Aaron wakes up and him and Rick talk some more about the community

Rick finally agrees to go

But of course Aaron stays handcuffed the whole time

We drive for about 45 minutes until we see a wrecked car on the road

The wreck just happened because smoke is coming from it, we pull over

"That's some of my people, we need to find them because they got out alive." Aaron says

"Is this a trap?" Rick asks with disgust

Aaron shakes his head no and Daryl tracks the people's foot prints into a small building

Rick, Daryl, and Glenn go in the building while carol stays in the car to keep watch

I stay outside with Aaron

"If I whistle, shoot him." Rick says

"I will." I say and put my gun to his head

They go in and a few minutes later they come out with a few different people

The names are


Aaron goes to run towards the guy named Eric before I stop him

"Where the hell do you think your going."I say and press my gun to his back

Aaron stops in fear

I look at Rick for permission to let him go

Rick nods so I take my gun off his back and put it in my holster

Aaron runs to Eric and they reunite

After chatting for a few minutes, Aaron and his people take us to the community called Alexandria

We arrive at the gates and we look up and at the person on guard

"Rosita?" Rick yells to her

She looks down

"Oh my god you guys have to come with me now! Aaron open the god forsaken gate!" Rosita yells

Aaron looks confused but he opens the gate and Rosita runs down from the watch post and to us

I give her a hug and she makes us follow her

"They should talk to Diana first!" Aaron yells to a running Rosita

"Shut up!" She yells

We run to a house and Rosita slams the door open

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