Not weak

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Maggie's pov

I don't want Glenn to think I'm weak

I want to be stronger than I've been

I've been weak

We've been walking for miles it seems like

We finally find the gas station and we break in and kill all the walkers that come at us

We look around and theres water.. Thank god there's water

I see a whole case of water. I run to it and so does Glenn

We tear into it and open up a bottle each for ourselves and chug it

I'm so happy we found water

"We need to find food, grab all the water and food you can and load it in your backpack," Glenn says

I nod and start filling up my backpack

We fit as much as we can in our bags and we leave the gas station

We start walking again and a group of people jumped out and pointed guns at us

Glenn immediately stands in front of me and pulls his gun out

I pull mine out to

Then I see someone..

The governor....

I thought someone killed him

I thought he was gone

Oh no

Now I put me and Glenn in danger

The governor pulls his gun out and puts it on Glenn's head and says," I will pull this trigger if you don't come with me now."

I dont hesitate for a second

I'm not getting Glenn killed to.

I step up and the governor snatches me towards him

"No!" Glenn screams

Glenn pulls me back to him and pushes me behind him

"Glenn.. I'm sorry.. I'm not getting you killed to. I love you." I say then I walk up to the governor and he smirks

Glenn pulls me back and hugs me

There's about 5 people counting the governor around us

We have 10 bullets

I whisper in Glenn's ear so nobody can hear

" I'm killing to ones on the right side and you can kills the ones on the left side, the governor does have a gun out ready so we kill him first then we kill the rest." I whisper

He nods

"And if all fails let me go with them, don't get yourself killed." I whisper

"No." He whispers

"Glenn this is not the right time to argue, I love you."

"I love you to"

We pull out of the hug and I say mouth to him, "now"

We both shoot the governor in the chest and he falls down

We shoot the rest of them and gun shots fly towards us but we manage to dodge them

We kill the rest and turn to each other

We hug tight

"I hate killing people," I whisper

"Me to, but sometimes it's necessary." He says

I nod

"You okay?" He whisper

"Yeah I'm fine," I breath out

"I love you." He whispers

"I love you too so much." I say

"Promise me something, never put yourself in front of me and let him take you like that."he says sternly

I nod

" I don't know what I would do without you" he whispers


Glenn's pov

We continue walking.

We've been walking for about 5 hours.

We're tired.

Maggie is very exhausted and she won't drink anything

Yeah our water supply is running a little low

We're down to 3 bottles and I don't know we're the closest store would be at

I wish Maggie would stay hydrated

We finally come up to a old house

We kill the walkers inside then we lock the place up and fall asleep.....

Gleggie forever  حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن