"I'm sorry. I don't know how I'll be able to get you out. Even if we wait until my father is dead. He'll still have men loyal to his beliefs, and they won't let you leave either. I'll be back." His look is deadly as he rips the iv out of his arm.

"Where are you going?" I call out but he ignores me. I try to sit up but my body screams at me to lay back down. I do so, and stare at the doors he just left. Maybe he isn't the worst human ever. He's just as trapped in this life as I now am.

Fatigue takes over me and my eyelids feel heavy as the clock ticks. I wait, trying to hold my eyes open so I can see Alexander come back. Hear him tell me his father became merciful and decided to let me go after all.

I have no way of knowing how much time has passed since Alexander left, and eventually my eyes start to magnetize towards each other until they finally close.


"Alexander?" I call out as I jump awake. I look around, seeing the same room as before. Instead of Alexander I see the doctor.

"Oh good, you're awake. How are you feeling?" He asks and walks over to me. I stare up at him and shake my head, closing my eyes.

"Fine, where's Alexander?" I ask, he pauses and ignores my question as he plays with the machines and tubes.

"We weren't able to get all the blood for you that I would've like. So you'll need to take it easy for the next week or so. But, if you'd like you could be out of here in a few hours. I just need to make sure you're okay to be alone before you leave." He tells me and sits at the end of the bed.

"Wheres Alexander?" I ask again, staring hard into his eyes. His sighs, looking away from me and pulls back the curtain next to me. I see Alexander's bruised and bloodied body in the bed and gasp.

"What happened?" My voice cracks as I stare at his sleeping, beaten face.

"Alexei is not a nice man. Alexander fought with him to let you go, and it ended badly for him." He finally answers and I stare at Alexander's face. I remember when I said I'd be cordial with him, and all I've done is give him hell. I let out a sigh, looking back at the doctor who's leaving the room now. I manage to get myself up and I grab the pole my iv is attached to and drag it with me as I weakly walk next to Alexander. He looks worse from closer up. His left eye is bruised and swollen. Dried blood is covering his mouth and neck, and he has two black eyes. My eyes move down to his bruised and bloodied chest.

"I'm sorry." I whisper and gently lay my hand on top of his. He stirs in his sleep and my eyes look to his to see them opening. His left eye barely opens and I feel more upset when I see how bloodshot it is.

"Eva.." He says weakly, coughing and then groaning. I shush him and run my hand over his hair.

"Don't say anything. You don't need to say anything. I understand." I whisper and he just stares in my eyes.

"I won't let him hurt you." He manages to get out and my heart aches for him. He put himself through this to try and help me. He's in this bed because of me. And I was in mine because of him.

"Don't worry about me. The doctor said I'll be fine. Just weak for a while. I'm sorry. I know you're trapped in this life as much as I am now." I say softly and pet his hair some more before withdrawing my hand. He reaches out and grabs it, holding it in his own hand.

"I'm sorry." He coughs and some blood splatters out of his mouth. My stomach turns at the sight, I've never been to good with blood.

"I'll find the doctor." I smile at him and walk away, slowly but surely I'll find who I'm looking for.

"Doctor Johnson?" I call out and continue to walk towards the hallway. My steps are straining and I'm thankful I have the iv stand for some support.

I weakly push the doors open and look left and right only to find nobody.

"Doctor Johnson?" I call out again, eventually walking to the left. I hear echoing voices, mens voices. No, a man and a woman.

"Alexei, how can you be so cold?" Her hushed voice yells scoldingly.

"Because I want him to have someone by his side. There's no other way for him to meet someone. My blood line needs to continue in order for this family to truly thrive." He snaps as I slow my steps down. I pause and lean against the wall, taking in deep breaths.

"He's not like you! He's sensitive. And that poor girl. I can't imagine the state her mind is in right now." The woman yells, clearly getting angry. Alexei.. Alexander's dad? That must be his mom. Then, the poor girl she's talking about must be me.

I take in a deep breath and let it out as I push off the wall.

"Doctor Johnson!" I yell, making sure they're aware of me. I continue walking until I see the two standing a couple feet apart. Both of them with arms crossed.

"What's wrong? Why do you need the doctor?" Alexander's mom asks me and I try and catch my breath.

"Alexander, is. He's coughing up blood." I tell her and her eyes go wide. I look at Alexei who rolls his eyes and walks the opposite direction.

"Come on. You need to be laying down. I'll find the doctor." She says and puts my other arm over my shoulder.

"I understand that I'm technically a hostage here. And I understand that Alexander isn't like his father. If he found an open minded girl, I'm sure there could be a much better turn out." I tell her and she laughs a little.

"You're sweet. And probably right. However, your ties to Italy is what Alexei is truly after. The fact that you were in good with the Moretti's made him believe that a marriage between you two could be a huge power move. He believes you could have influence over the Italians." She explains and I just walk in silence. I'm at a loss for words. Is that what this has truly been about the whole time? My possible power influence?

"Why me? Just because I'm Italian doesn't mean I have ties to the Italian mafia." I try and rationalize things. She sighs and we walk through the infirmary's  doors.

"Alexander will tell you the truth in time. For now, just accept this version of it. It'll be easier for you. I promise. Now get some rest." She says motherly as I lie down in bed. I remain silent as she leaves the infirmary.

This version of the truth? What the hell is that supposed to mean? How many half truths do I have to go through before I get the real truth?


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