Chapter 16- Hidden Becomes Revealed

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Hesitantly, everyone rises and follows Shaman as he leads us around the side of the Highrock, which was finally clear of black fog. I was actually able to see the den, and even if I knew father was no longer inside, I still got a stomach ache every time I looked at that hell pit. I surely wouldn't be going in there any time soon.

The ground around the area was a straight up mess, dirt thrown all around the Clearing like a bunch of cubs had decided to try and find the center of the planet. Rocks from the mountain itself had tumbled straight off the side and to the forest floor, taking down whole tree branches and scattering them around the area. One thing about Eastern wolves, we cared about how presentable our camps were, and this was going to take a bit of time to smooth out again.

I see the Shaman's cave coming into view, a huge gaping hole in the side of the mountain with fresh dewdrops decorating the outside. Thankfully the fight didnt range this far from the Highrock so nothing inside of it was harmed.

I was use to the sight of the inside, but everyone else was left in awe at the view of the cave. It was still the same as always, one section toward the back that was elevated around dozens of pools of water on the stone floor with a gaping hole above that let the sun inside to give light. The rays gave the water a crystal look to them, making the scenery breathtaking.

He didn't go to his ledge though, like he always does. He shocked me when he kept walking to the back of the room where another cave entrance was. This hole was smaller, barely even big enough for an adult wolf to fit, but I've never tried because I've never been allowed inside the back rooms.

We make it through the small entrance and the hole suddenly open up into another giant room, filled with dozens of different artifacts. There were natural stone shelves filled with books and scrolls, then just random trinkets hanging from the walls like swords and wands. There was even a stone holding a huge headdress decorated with white and red feathers. That was what Shaman wore when he did important rituals or went to visit other packs. I had one many years ago, that's how he bribed me to be his apprentice in the first place.

Everybody's jaw was left dropped. "Holy hell." Jasper whispers, his eyes darting from one part of the room to the other. "What is all of this stuff?"

"A collection made by the Eastern Shamans dating back hundreds of generations." Shaman replies, turning to us to add something. "Do you wolves remember when I would tell stories to the cubs when you were little?"

After we all gave speechless nods, he continues. "Well, they all came from one of these books. Each contain the knowledge of some of the most wisest wolves that have ever existed, and where I learned about my magic as an apprentice."

"Is there something about Black Magic?" Raye asks from the shelves, her fingers grazing along the spines of the leather books.

Shaman was very hesitant on answering, it instead of words, he looks over to another corner of the room where another large stack of books lay. The one on the very bottom began glowing red as he extends his magic and lifts it from the pile. "This one here..." He begins, bringing it closer for us to see. "Has every last bit of Werewolf knowledge about Black Magic."

This book had a black leather cover with silver writing on the front, the pages turned a dull yellow from age. Dust covered almost every inch of it's surface, leading me to the conclusion that it hasn't been touched in years. "What does it say?" I asked, not even wanting to pick it up myself.

I had no interest in the book. Whatever was inside, he could tell me himself. "Black Magic has been rare throughout time, only springing up every few thousand generations." He flips it open to a page in the front, which was completely covered in writing that I didn't understand. "It isn't a natural force though, which is a common misconception. This magic was created by the early Shamans of the very first generations."

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