Chapter 3- A Changing World

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Jason's P.O.V

I noticed Averi beginning to take in big whiffs of the air around her, and I knew she was beginning to smell her camp. My imagination whirled of what would be waiting for us at the Werewolves home. Would it be a friendly welcoming, or a pure blood bath?

I only had a few seconds to prepare when I seen the wooden arch, which was decorated with perfectly polished white skulls. I may not be familiar with Werewolf anatomy, but I'm pretty sure those bones once belonged to a wolf. That's a good thing to see when you'd about to meet your girlfriend's family!

When I was finally able to tear my gaze away from the arch, I was suddenly overwhelmed with the instant view of Werewolves crowding around the camp entrance. I'm not talking a few dozen wolves, I'm talking a few hundred, maybe even close to a thousand, all different shapes and colors.

I remember how the Titans complained about not being able to tell the wolves apart, and how annoying it was when they first came here, but there was still something about each one that made it somehow clear. Some were skinny, some had bulk, some had thick silky fur and others had a pelt so thin you could see the skin beneath. Each were unique, kind of like humans.

Excited howls exploded throughout the crowd as we stepped out of the tree line into view. The wolves began pushing shoving each other aside, even using a bit of violence just to get a look at their returning princess.

Averi was completely elated, sharing hugs with certain wolves or just small gestures like high fives.

"You're alive!" I heard one wolf shout in the crowd.
"The princess has returned!"
"The humans are back!"
"Averi isn't dead!"

Well I guess I'm not the only Titan that's 'died' now. Unlike me though, Averi actually had people who believed and waiting for her return.

Half of me almost expected everyone to bow down before Averi's presence, you know, like your suppose to do for a princess, but they treated her as a regular pack member. Strange. They also seemed way friendlier now, but I suspected there was a much deeper truth behind these excited smiles than what we first seen.

As I scanned over the crowd, I noticed 2 people practically knocking bodies over just to get through to Averi, and I was completely taken aback at the names she gave the faces. "Marcus! Chandler!" She shouted, lunging forward into their already open arms.

My heart had completely stopped at the sight of them. Now I seen why she was so worried for my safety back on earth, these guys were enormous! In their human form, Marcus stretched over 6 feet tall, Chandler following close behind, and they both had enough muscle to probably flip a car. Well, now that I began looking around, most wolves shared this look, muscles and all, and it just made more sweat break out onto my forehead.

"You had us so worried." Marcus said, his voice muffled by Averi's hair. I could recognize that familiar, protective big brother tone.

She just laughed. "I'm fine, I promise I'm fine! I kept myself alive."

"I wish we would have known that!" Chandler hisses as they finally let their sister go. "Rumors started spreading and we didn't know what to think. I mean, most people didn't actually believe you were dead, but the jackasses of this pack did a hell of a job trying to convince us of it."

I had to muffle laughter. "I told you I would take care of myself, didn't I?" She reassured them. "I'm back now, that's all that matters."

Marcus seemed to snap out of his overprotective mood. "Let's get out of this crowd." He insists. "Find your friends so they can finally shut up about this!"

Averi seemed excited by this idea, and didn't hesitate to follow him through the already dimming crowd. Don't think I'd didn't notice the hate glares toward us non Werewolves though, their feelings toward humans must have not changed and they wanted us to know that.

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