Chapter 8- Fight Or Die Match

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I was practically dragged by the stampeding crowd into the stone colosseum, where everybody was competing for the best seat. The side of a mountain was close enough to the ring where some wolves were even finding places on the ledges above.

Inside the colosseum, there was a huge circle in the center for the fighting matches, then dozens of rows of seats for the audience, kind of like the one in Rome. It was just a huge blur of color as I tried to look for one familiar face.

Finally, I caught sight of Cyborg up near the very top, sitting next to Dick and the girls. Quickly I go to join them and I was thankful that nobody seemed hurt from the commotion.

"Jason!" Dick greeted as I took a seat out the outside of the group. "How did it go?"

I let out a loud moan. "These people are crazy! I watched a guy almost get ripped to pieces, then then the people use his blood as makeup."

"That's nothing!" Cyborg exclaims, and I was almost sent into panic when he holds up one of his hands, which was sliced and covered in blood. "I got dragged into a fight and had to break someone's jaw to get out of it! The scary part is that they actually laughed about it!"

"Our experience was not that violent." Star jumps in. "Me and Raven stayed with Mika the whole time. She was very friendly and introduced us to many nice wolves."

Cyborg scoffed. "We must have been on the wrong side of the crowd then."

Everyone's attention turned back to the ground when yet another brawl had broken out between 2 groups as they fought for seats. I could literally feel us all tense when we recognized a face in the center of it, but Dick beat me to announcing it. "It's Averi!" He exclaims.

I had to stop him from going down and 'saving' her when he tried to jump to his feet. "Dude, chill out." I hiss. "She's fine!"

I was right. Not seconds after I said it, I see her deliver a hard punch and completely throw a guy off the stands and onto the rocky ground. Her group came out victorious, and they all celebrated by changing to their wolf forms and letting out these vicious howls that even sent chills down my spine. She didn't seem to worried about us, but I tried not to take it too personally.

When all of the wolves had found a spot around the ring, or died trying, I see one wolf proceed to the center of the circle and the crowd falls to silence. "Welcome to the fights of the Gods!" He shouts to the audience. "Where teen wolves from each pack come forth and battle, using only the skills they possess to prove your worth to the Great Wolves Above!"

Oh so this must be a way to entertain and show off for their gods. "Let's see how many people we have tonight!" The announcer points up to the stands. "Let me hear those howls!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, everything around us just erupted as every wolf in the stands began jumping around in cheers. There wasn't one person who choose to graciously applaud, which just showed the competitive personality of the Werewolves. Everybody was just trying to see which pack could scream the loudest.

Glass bottles were suddenly thrown down from higher in the stands, shattering and even hitting a few wolves around us. One kid got a bottle right in the face, slicing his forehead clean open. What did he do, swung his head around frantically to splatter the blood onto everyone else.

I tried to find Averi, my protective instinct just kicking in, and I only caught sight of her for a few seconds through the tangle of bodies. She was still with her friends, acting just as wild as everybody else. It's just so strange, seeing her in this world with her own kind. It was like a whole other side of her was unlocked.

I didn't have time to swoon over my girlfriend for long. "Crazy doesn't seem strong enough to describe these guys." Dick whispers in my ear, at least after he dodges a falling body as someone was pushed out of his seat behind us. "Their just plain psychotic!"

Teen Titans: Wolves Of a Feather 9--- Teen Titans FanfictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum