Chapter 1- Going Home

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My mind whirled like a cyclone, hell its been whirling like this for days now, but I can't help it. This is what I've been preparing for. I just never actually accepted it was happening until it was too late to turn back.

"Umm, A?" Beastboy's voice snaps me from my daze. "Do you think you could stop pacing so much? Your kind of putting a dent in the floor."

Finally realizing what I was doing, I force my paws to come to a stop and just sway in the center of the cabin. Judging by how dark it was outside the ship's window, and how barren space looked, we had been flying for a while

"5 hours." Robin jumps in, reading my mind. "We've been flying for 5 hours, and you paced for almost 4."

"What's got you so worked up, girl?" Cyborg asked from the controls. "I've never seen you this antsy."

I would understand why, I've been cramped inside this vessel with 6 humans, awaiting the moment when my eyes could finally see something familiar for once. My blood pumped faster the closer we came to arriving, and all I wanted to do was take a huge whiff of the fresh, natural air on my planet.

Yes, after months of being held on earth, 5 to be exact, they finally granted me the gift of a week's trip home. Not permanent, such a shame, but I'm honestly just glad I get a chance to see my pack again. I wonder how much has changed, or if anything has changed at all. Have they missed me, or did life go on as it always has even during my absence?

Well atleast I'm not the only one suffering here, the long trip has gotten to everybody, boredom now spreading like an epidemic. Star and Raven both sat on the benches against the wall, fiddling with either their hands or hair, and Robin just focused on his computer files. Beastboy continued to throw this rubber ball in the air, which was the only thing that has kept him occupied. Cyborg, on the other hand, seemed to be having a blast, flying this ship and giving us all heart attacks when he comes too close to an asteroid.

Jason no longer sat at the back of the ship like before. He has found his place with the others on the bench. I could tell just by how unsettled he was in his seat, those dark forest green eyes never coming to a stop as he focuss only on what lay outside the ship's window, he was as nervous as a cub in Hellhound territory. Who wouldn't be? He's heard so many stories about my kind that would scare anyone to death, but since he and I were together, it just made his uneasiness that much worse.

"Just relax, we still have maybe an hour or so." Robin says, snapping me out of my daze and gestured to the spot between him and Jason on the bench. "Why are you so worried anyway? Isn't this what you have been wanting?"

I scoff as I change to my human form, still refusing to sit as I began tapping my fingers on my hip. "I guess excitement and dread don't get along very well." I suddenly turn to face Robin again. "Now you remember the deal, right?"

He nods. "We stay completely silent about anything that happened on earth unless you choose to tell them yourself." I watch as his eyes rolled. "I don't exactly see the big deal."

"The big deal?" I asked, panic again coming over me. "I'll tell you what the big deal is, I've become apart of a team of earthlings, gotten my ass kicked by quite a few of our weak enemy pansies, have less power than when I left in the first place, my pack may think I'm a total traitor, I'm gonna have a pretty pissed off father, and..." I paused. "I have a feeling I forgot something."

"You're dating a human?" I hear Raven mumble, and I felt my face grow red.

I glance to Jay, who was now looking at me with his cocked eyebrow expression. "Yeah, that." I hiss. "You definitely can't mention that, at least not right away... or ever."

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