Chapter 8- A Real Enemy

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Averi's P.O.V

I had never felt so alive! The feeling of adrenaline pumping through my veins was overpowering, the craving for victory began creeping into my body, but thank Fenris I have learned how to control it. That's the only reason I didn't kill that Northern bastard. I knew that if I did, all of the work I had done over these past few months would be gone.

When I climbed back into the stands, Dick and Jay were there with my group to greet me. "I'm proud of you A." Dick says in a low voice so only us 3 could hear.

I just shoot him a sharp snarl. "Your lucky I'm sane enough to know my the morals. Most people here wouldn't even have hesitated."

"Well it just shows you're not willing to throw everything away just for fun." He babbled on like this was the perfect time to give a lecture, but surprisingly, I found myself listening.

I sat out for the rest of the fights, not because I was tired or anything, I could have competed in every match with no problem. The rest were deathmatches, and I knew that I would have to kill someone if I did another. I was lucky to get away with the first one.

Before, I was happy when I seen the Titans actually enjoying the fights, but that was just when they were watching the Hellhounds. Their amusement vanished when the Werewolf rounds began, but hey, what did I expect? Their humans, they don't appreciate the sport like I do.

I didn't let that spoil my fun though. I didn't even feel bad when Dick and Jay got shoved aside by the crowd, I had a perfect seat up front.

After a few hours later, the last match of the night drew to a close. "And the Westerner comes out victorious!" The wolf announces as he heads over to the body. After feeling for breath with his paw, he looks up to the stands again. "The Southerner is dead!"

Eruption of howls again, and this one was the loudest of the night since this was the last round. I joined in with the rest of my friends, cupping my hands around my mouth and letting out a huge howl in the wind. I loved hearing it echo off the side of the mountain, then traveling all around the planet and being heard by who knows.

Finally, everyone begins filing out of the ring and I was about to reunite with the Titans again when it was almost empty. Raye, Skop, Mika, and Jasper followed, only because they were also curious about our alien friends. "So humans." I jeered as we met them in the center. "How did you enjoy the sweet taste of Werewolf life."

Poor Starfire had a distant look in her face, like she had just witnessed dozens of murders in front of her face. Actually, she did. "Not even the wars on my planet reflect the brutal actions I have seen tonight." She whimpers, fiddling with her hands.

A small chorus of chuckle spread through my friends. "They think that was bad." I hear Skop mutter to Jasper.

Dick just ignored them. "I think it was a wise choice to let Beastboy stay behind."

"BB wouldn't have been able to handle it." Cyborg added. "He can't even watch me eat a bucket of fried chicken without almost hurling."

They all seemed pretty rattled by tonight's events, but they would be fine soon once we got her back to camp. I don't think walking on top of blood helped their condition much. "Well usually we would be heading to the Moonlight Caverns by now, but seeing as how you guys reacted to this, I don't think that's such a good idea for." I was attempting to hide how much I found their fear hilarious as I changed to my wolf form. "Just keep up your acts long enough to get out of here and we'll just head back to camp."

Raye looks over her shoulder as we all turn to walk out of the now empty ring. "Be sure to keep your gaze down as we walk." She warns. "This is usually the time when the real brawls break out, you know, for the people who lost someone in the fight. They'll be looking for some revenge."

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