Chapter 5- Night Of Terrible Ideas

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I don't know how long I had been asleep, all I remember doing was closing my eyes after the brief argument we all had, and suddenly I was being awoken again by a game of Tackle Ball.

My friends had gotten distracted by a group of juveniles stomping through the Clearing, tossing the clay ball around. Blood was being splattered everywhere, and you could tell some teeth and claws were being used in this game. I laughed myself fully awake when I seen one paw fly backwards in the fight and slam into the cheek of another wolf, sending drops of red liquid all over the humans.

Everybody around us found that hilarious, even the guy whose cheek was sliced clean open to the bone. "You humans still wanna hang around with the big dogs?"  He barks at the Titans, a bloody toothed smirk covering his face. "Why don't you just go back to your ship and leave the princess alone?"

As they stumble away after the next person to claim the ball, sheer looks of horror was plastered on the faces of the earthlings. "Well that was the most horrific moment of my life." Beastboy hisses as he wipes his face with his sleeve.

We all just seem to roll our eyes. That was nothing compared to the more gruesome things on our planet. Honestly, nothing was gruesome to me anymore, I've seen it all. I've done it all.

My stomach suddenly lets out a loud growl, and like it was on cue, Miller appears around the corner with a Bucked Toothed Rat dangling from his clamped jaws. Those little things were brutal to hunt, their giant front teeth strong enough to crack a bone. "Dinner is served." He says as he enters the Carving.

My mouth instantly begins to drool. "I can't even remember the last time I had a decent meal. All I've had since being on earth is bitter, dry prey I caught in the forest."

"You mean to tell me that you never ate one piece of earth food?" Raye asked, like she was actually surprised. "You were really serious about hating that place, weren't you?"

I barely heard the question as Miller sets the rat down on the rocks. "I'll split it with you, you're probably starving from being on that ship for so long."

I scoffed, pushing it back with every piece of dignity I had left. "I don't need help feeding myself. Just watch and learn."

Now I think anyone could guess where I went for this, my old friends who I have been dying to visit. Clyde. Same as before, I slip through the trees, snatch the closest piece of meat I could find on the smoker, and take off running before his claws could come in reach. Usually, he just shouts some angry words, but this time he ends up hurling a damn knife at my head. A knife!

Thankfully, I caught the blade in my tail and disappeared around the corner before he had a chance to catch up. Let's just say, there's a reason he has a job standing around cooking meat and not actually hunting it, his broad form isn't exactly built for speed.

My friends were waiting for me when I got back, amusement covering their faces as I take a seat back on my rock, grabbing the knife from my tail's grip. "Do you think he'll be wanting this back?" I asked jokingly.

Without even waiting for a response, I dive into my meal, sinking my teeth into the juicy surface and tearing off a huge chunk. I didn't even care if I was making a mess, this hasn't been simmering long and still had blood under the surface, which was now dripping from my chin. The juicy flavor on my tongue made me want to just never stop eating.

The Titans stared wide eyed, and I had forgotten that most of them had never seen me actually eat my prey. "For a princess, you eat like somebody is about to take it from you." Cyborg teased, although him and the others seemed completely disgusted.

Screw them. "First off, growing up here had taught me that you have to eat fast or you don't eat at all. Second, I've been eating stale prey from your popsicle stick display you call a forest for months now, and I'm ready for a decent meal, so let me just enjoy this for now."

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