Anyways, remember that girl Ivan told me about? I finally found her. She's an amazing girl. She works at Matthias' Nordic Café, and since she has no home, she's living with me. Funny, right?

I really hope you meet her, someday. I truly believe this is the woman I'm going to spend the rest of my life with. She's so special to me, and I've fallen for her, even though she doesn't know it, yet.

Well, I should get back to work. I miss you, but sister. I hope to see you soon. Skype me later!

Your baby brother,


"Aw, I miss them," I whisper, folding the paper back up.

"What's wrong, mommy?" Rosalya runs up to me, the blonde curl on the side of her head bouncing.

"Nothing, sweetheart! I got a letter from Uncle Emil, that's all."

"Emil and Lukas need to visit," Eden loads his water gun. "They owe me twenty dollars."

"Why?" I tilt my head.

"Emil bet twenty dollars of Lukas' money that I couldn't eat a worm, so I sent him a video of me doing it."

"Do Uncle Toni and Aunt Em know?" My daughter gasps.

"Nope! It's a secret, so don't tell them!"

"Boys," I facepalm.

The next morning, Feliciano and Ludwig burst through the door and surprise little Rosalya. "Uncle Feli! Uncle Luddy! I missed you!" She hugs their legs, and Ludwig picks her up, throws her high into the air, and catches her.

"Ve missed you too, Princess."

"Yea! We brought you some dolls from Germany, and a few Italian desserts!" Feliciano hands her a bag full of presents.

"Wow, this is so cool!" She runs off into the living room to unpack the bag, and Eden walks up to them, tilting his chin upwards.


Feliciano places a hand on the brunette's head, and ruffles it. "You're getting so big, Eden!"

"Did you bring me anything?" The child asks with a laugh.

"Of course," Ludwig pulls out a Rubik's cube from behind his back.

"Whoa! I've always wanted one of these!" He squeals, and follows after Rosalya into the living room.

I turn to them and hug them both, "I'm glad to see you two."

"Are you feeling alright?" Ludwig asks worriedly. "You look tired."

"She is," Feliciano laughs. "She's been having to watch Eden while Antonio and Emma are out of town for work."

"Right, right. Vell, ve'll help vatch zhem vhile ve're here."

"Yea. Go on a date with Lovino!"

Lovino rushes into the entryway, "I heard my name."

"Bring (Name) on a date," Feliciano repeats his suggestion while forcing us out the door.

Spiteful Lovers |Romano X Reader|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora