"Jessica over there and these girls were beating [Y/N] up !!" J-Hope exclaimed, pointing at each of the people he named.

"You girls to the principal's office, now." The teacher said, pointing to [Y/N] and the girls who had hurt her.

The boys of Bangtan who were holding back the girls who had beat [Y/N] up, brought them to the principal's office. I helped [Y/N] up, grabbing a tissue to wipe away her dripping blood; then helped her make her way to the principal's office as well. 

"I'll be waiting outside after this is over, babygirl." I said, kissing the top of her head.

I hope those girls would be punished for this. They can't just do this to an innocent person and get away with it.

[ end of Yoongi's point of view ]

I sat in a chair in front of the principal's desk, beside Jessica. The rest of the girls were behind us. I could feel the piercing glares of them behind me.

"You, explain to me what happened since you're the one who got hurt." The principal said, pointing to me.

"J-Jessica and those girls hurt me because they're jealous of me having the boyfriend they want." I managed to get out. I was so afraid. Even if they get punished for this, those girls would still attack me again at one point. I was also afraid for Mina, what if they hurt her too since she's now dating Jimin ? Lots of girls like Jimin too.

"Do you girls have anything to say about this ?" The principal asked the perpetrators.

"[Y/N] wouldn't have gotten hurt if she wasn't dating Agust." One of them exclaimed. That was honestly the most stupidest thing I've ever heard. The principal gave the girl a "Really ? " look. None of the girls denied beating me up since they knew there was many witnesses, and because they weren't injured at all.

"You girls are suspended for two weeks. After those two weeks, you have detention everyday after school for two months. At all times you must keep your distance from [Y/N] on school grounds, understand ? If I hear about another incident like this, you'll be expelled." The girls nodded understandingly.

"[Y/N], go to the nurse's office. You're still bleeding. I'll deal with these girls further. If I need to speak to you again, I will." The principal said to me. I then got up and bowed, thanking him, then exited his office. One of the girls shoved me on my way out. They just never learn do they ?

I found Yoongi sitting in the waiting area of the main office. He immediately went up to me and hugged me tightly.

"Ow .." I whispered as his embrace put pressure on my bruises.

"Oh, sorry .. What happened in there babygirl ? What did the principal say ?" He said, releasing his grip to be looser.

"Well, he told me to go to the nurses office for my injuries." 

"Oh okay, let's go. Explain to me what else happened later." He said, helping me get to the infirmary.

As the school nurse aided to my wounds, I explained to Yoongi what the principal had said for their punishment.

"I'm sorry this happened to you, babygirl. It should've been me who got hurt."

"Don't be sorry, Oppa. Even though I got hurt, I still win. I still have you." I said, smiling. He smirked back at me.

Later that day, I went home with Yoongi. I couldn't go home looking like this. I couldn't let my mother see me like this. I just told her that I was working with Mina on a project for the afternoon and I'd be sleeping over there too.

Yoongi helped me to his bed and got me a cup of coffee to calm my body. He helped me out of my school uniform and then saw all of the bruises the girls had left on my body. He looked upset as he stared at the purple marks all over me. He then kissed each mark in attempt to make me feel better. I blushed at his sweetness. He then helped me change into my favourite loose t-shirt of his and a pair of shorts, then helping me ice my bruises and cuts.

"This is all my fault." He said quietly, placing an ice pack on a bruise on my leg.

"No it's not. It's not your fault or mine. It's their fault for being jealous when they shouldn't be." I said, looking into his eyes.

"I wanna protect you at all times. I don't want them to hurt you again, babygirl. You don't deserve that." 

"I know, Oppa .. C'mon, let's try to rest. I don't wanna think about this anymore." He the nodded and moved beside me so that we could rest together.

I then fell asleep, allowing the aching pain to stop temporarily.

a/n :

shit, i miss writing chapters so much. I have an essay and a lab to write too before tomorrow but i'd rather be writing a bunch of new chapters instead :((


~ jazunyan

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