Girls vs. Boys (16) - Prom, eh, Jordan?

Start from the beginning

I could hardly believe it. He was actually trying to figure it all out on his own. But there was no way he was going to figure everything out by himself…

It was kind of hard to believe that Dallas didn’t tell Austin what had happened. I mean, they were best friends and had been ever since we were kids. I guessed that he didn’t tell him because Austin was my brother, and he’d probably kill him for making me cry. Dallas probably thought that Austin didn’t even know that I liked him…

I was going to have to get Jesse back for this somehow. I was finding it harder and harder to keep up with him when it came to the feud that we were in. He would prank me, and then I would prank him right back. Sometimes it would be small, and sometimes it would be big. I considered this one a very big one.

“I don’t want to talk about it, Austin,” I finally told my brother, rolling over so I didn’t have to even face him. “Just leave me alone and let me sleep.”

“You’ve been sleeping all day,” Austin sighed, reaching over and ripping my blanket from around me. I squeaked when the cold air suddenly swept over my once-warm body. “I want you to tell me what’s bothering you right now. You have the entire weekend to sleep after this. Just tell me what’s wrong.”

“Dallas knows that I like him!” I snapped, sitting up in my bed and snatching my blanker from my older brother’s grasp. “He knows that I like him and Trinity found out about how he kissed me on his birthday! So she broke up with him, and then stupid Jesse Jacobsen went and told him that I liked him and all of his friends laughed at me and Dallas did nothing about it!”

Austin stared at me with wide eyes for a moment, as if he was trying to register everything I had just said. I wiped at my eyes with the back of my hand, not about to let any more tears fall. I had enough with crying over a jerk like Dallas.

“Okay, explain it to me again, but slower this time,” Austin told me slowly, still looking a little confused from what I had just said to him.

I let out a deep breath, telling him everything that had happened. I told him how it was all Jesse Jacobsen’s fault, and if it wasn’t for him, everything would be different and I wouldn’t have been so depressed. I told him how Trinity had broken up with Dallas because she thought that he really loved me.

“I’m gonna kick his ass,” Austin threatened, standing up from his seat and heading toward the door.

“Whose?” I squawked, jumping forward and grabbing onto his arm before he could leave the room. “Dallas or Jesse?”

“Dallas,” he snapped, ripping his arm from my grasp but not making a move toward the door again. “He can’t just go and treat a fourteen-year-old girl who’s liked him for pretty much all her life like this!”

“I’ll turn fifteen next month,” I grumbled stubbornly, but I don’t think he heard me.

Austin snorted. “Doesn’t matter.”

I puffed out my chest defiantly. “It does to me.”

Austin rolled his eyes at me now. “Why did you stay home from school when there wasn’t any possibility that you’d run into Jesse or Dallas?” he asked.

“I didn’t feel like getting out of bed,” I shrugged, which was only partly the truth. I didn’t want to face my friends and tell them what had happened. They might have already known, but I couldn’t have been sure. I hadn’t talked to any of them since the day before, and my phone had been blowing up all day from texts and calls from them.

“I’m gonna kill him,” Austin threated once more with a shake of his head.

He left then, slamming the door behind him and starting down the stairs. I didn’t stop him, because I knew there was no point in doing so. Right then I felt so numb that I didn’t think it would have even bothered me if he really did end up killing Dallas. But I knew that once this numbness wore off, I would care. I would care too much.

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