Boyfriends - 29

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Roman and Dean stood up making their way to the sleeping quarters, Roman walked as he turned the corner he grabbed Deans wrist stopping him from walking as he stopped in his own tracks as he saw someone stood directly in front of them. Kevin and Chris stood directly in their path glaring deep holes right though the two, Kevin uttered three words "You disgust me!" Which lead to Roman almost lunging himself towards Kevin but he was stopped by Dean holding his arm "Roman.. He is not worth our time.. He's a lowlife". Chris laughed at Deans insult "A lowlife..? Haha thats cheap coming from you" Romans blood was boiling trying to not let his anger take over. Kevin walked up to Roman so they were only inches apart "Don't worry Dean.. He isn't gonna do anything!" Roman glared at him as he growled lowly "You better get out of my face Owens.." Kevin smirked as he replied "Or what..? What will you do Roman..? Because I sure as hell know you won't do anything.. Because your girlfriend.." Stopping mid sentence to give Dean a snarky look "told you not too!" He spat cruelly.

Roman wasn't going to let Kevin talk about Dean that way, he was about to take a swing at him but out of no where Dean pushed past him and Roman saw his fist connect hard with Kevin's face. Dean had had enough of how Kevin had been treating them and that was the last straw he wasn't going to fight the two as he had only just got over his previous injuries from a few weeks back but now he didn't care. Chris moved quickly getting in between the two before Dean could hit Kevin again, he yelled "Come on then Dean, You think your a tough guy huh?" Ready to fight with him, Dean glared at Jericho as Kevin stood holding his face. It seemed that Kevin loved dishing out the beating but wasn't so good at taking them, Dean looked at the two and chuckled then looked at Roman who smirked back at him "Like I said Your not worth our time.. " Chris looked back at Kevin waiting for him to say something but he didn't say a word just stood holding his face and shook his head at his friend, clearly not wanting to deal with Dean right now. Roman looked the two over still grinning, he looked at Dean and said "Lets go" the two walked off as they heard Kevin shout "You two are scum.. You know that!! Scum.. And 'Your' not worth our time.." The two just kept walking laughing to one another.

The two walked to the sleeping quarters, Dean nudged Roman's arm smiling warmly as his love smiled back as he spoke "Hey.. Roman.. I was um.. thinking" he stopped as Roman looked his way looking a little curious of what Dean was gonna say slowing down his pace as Dean continued as he rubbed the back of his neck "what are we Roman..?" Roman stopped looking at Dean a little confused as he replied "What do you mean Dean?" He took Deans wrist in his hand and walked with him till they were away from anyone else.

Roman went to talk again but Dean cut him off continuing "Well.." He looked down bashfully "like.. What are we.. We are like a couple.. But.." Roman stepper closer understanding what Dean meant by it, he cupped his cheeks in his hands making the other look at him. Dean stop talking as he stared deep into Romans mesmerising eyes, Roman spoke softly as he smiled warmly looking back into the one he held most dears eyes "Dean.." He blushed "I never really thought of it, as we were already together like this.. Loving one another.. And I love you more than anything, You are not just a crush or desire I have, you are not just a one time thing. I want you forever in my life by my side" Dean blushed darkly smiling trying to stop his emotions from overflowing as his heart began to race. Roman felt Dean rest his hands on his hips he leaned in and pressed his lips against Deans closing his eyes as he felt his love push his lips in kissing him back, the two shared a soft and loving kiss for a few moments. Roman pulled back gazing at his man his own heart beating hard against his chest he looked at Deans lips bitting his own then traveled his eyes back to stare back into Deans. He still held Deans face between his palms as he said softly his tone gentle "Dean.. Will you be my boyfriend?".

This sentence made Dean blush even darker he was sure Roman could feel the heat against his hands, his heart felt as is it was doing happy flips. He nodded as he wrapped his arms around Romans neck as he felt his love quickly wrap his arms tightly around him holding him close as he answered "of course Roman.. Being yours is all I want.." Tears began to escape Deans eyes as he buried his face into Romans neck holding his tightly. Roman chuckled warmly "I love you so much Dean.. Thats all I want too" Dean smiled happily snuggling close to his one and only replying "I love you too more than anything.. Your that one thing that I will never ever be without" Roman kissed Deans head saying back in almost a whisper "You will never lose me Dean.." The two held each other close feeling the happiness from just being close to one another.

Dean pulled back knowing they unfortunately couldn't stay here hugging all night "So.. Boyfriend.." Dean chuckled at saying the word as he had always found calling another boyfriend or girlfriend to sound so weird but with Roman it was nice to have a term for their relationship. Roman smiled widely at the term, Dean continued "maybe we should.. Um head to the sleeping quarters.." He sighed before he finished "not that I want too.." Roman frowned a little "I would rather stay here with you all night" Dean nodded and playfully did a sulking face making Roman laugh. The two unlinked and walked towards the cabin again, they reached the door Roman opened the door beamed a smiled at Dean saying quietly so that only Dean could hear "After you.. boyfriend" making Dean shine him a brilliant smile back finding Roman to be endearing he chuckled "are you going to keep saying that now?" He heard his love reply as they walked in "hmm.. You will have to wait and see" he liked that he was now Romans boyfriend. He saw as Kevin and Chris glared their way when they saw the two walk in but he did not care, all he cared about was that one day he would be married to Roman he was sure of it.

So they are officially now boyfriends! 😆 hope you like this update, what do you guys think? So sweet! what do you think will happen next for our boys!? I'd love to hear from you!

Everything changed when I knew I needed you (Ambreigns) *ON HIATUS* Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum