"Wow. I've really missed a lot. This is some crazy shit." He finally says and I laugh, nodding my head.

"Tell me about it. Honestly, I feel bad for the poor girl. She doesn't want this life. But, my saint of a father threatened to kill her if she tried leaving. So, I made my own deal." I wink and he smiles.

"You dirty dog. What deal?" He asks and I just laugh.

"Mikel, old friend. A secret is not a very well kept secret if it's shared." I say dauntingly. He nods his head.

"Yeah, I know. But it's me. Anyway, I gotta finish unpacking and then I gotta talk to the old man. Wanna get drinks later?" He asks and I shrug my shoulders.

"Sure. Why not?" He smiles and walks away as I just turn around. Looking at a painting on the wall. This painting has been here for as long as I can remember. Yet, I've never really paid attention to it.

I stated at it a little longer, looking at the details. It was an ethereal looking woman, catching a falling Angel. But, it wasn't realistically done. The whole thing was honestly intriguing.

"Alexander." I hear my name and then a throat being cleared. I turn around and see one of my men from security.

"Yes?" I ask irritatedly.

"We've found the bar that Niccolo bought." He tells me and I smirk. Good. Something is finally going right.


Eva (2 weeks later)

Light attacks my closed eyelids and I groan as I peel them open. I blink a few times as I take in my surroundings.

My body is dressed in a white night gown looking dress, and I have all kinds of tubes and cords next to me. 

"Hello?" I croak out, my throat being dryer than the Sahara desert doesn't help. I try licking my lips but my tongue feels like it has been replaced with sandpaper. My head feels fuzzy as I looked around more. I start to recognize the room, it's Alexanders. Memories of the day before flood into my mind as I replay Niccolo's death in my mind. I had never seen a person die before. I hadn't seen a lot of things until I came here. 

"Anyone?" my desperate scratchy voice fills the silent room. It was dark outside, so I knew people were probably sleeping. I'm sure everyone is dealing with Niccolo's murder. I don't know much about this life, but I've seen movies about rivalries between gangs and mafias. It's not pretty, especially when the boss is killed.

I sigh and stare at the net curtains tied up between the four bedposts. I wonder what time it is. My stomach rumbles and aches begin to take over my body. I feel like I haven't eaten in months. Without thinking I prop myself up on my elbows, moving slowly. My head begins to get a little fuzzy, but I sigh and push through it. Finally I'm sitting up in the bed, readjusting to this new position. A sound from the hallway catches my ear and then the sounds become footsteps. They get louder until they stop. I stare at the silhouette under the door frame and my breath catches in my throat. The handle turns and a man stands in the doorframe.

"Eva, you're awake?!" He exclaims rushing over to me and looking at the machines placed next to the bed.

"Who are you?" I ask, my voice sounding as if I've been smoking cigarettes for forty years.

"Right, well. I'm Dr. Johnson. I've been looking after you for the past couple of weeks." He says and I nod my head until his words fully register in my head.

"Weeks?!" I shout, or try to. My throat is too dry to shout. He places his hand on my shoulder and gently nudges me back. I lie down and he begins to mess with the tubes attacked to me.

Bumping Into The Mafia (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now