Can..Can you hear me?

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It..It all happened so fast...too fast...

Loki was having a blast... everyone was fighting for their lives, but then Loki decided to play a game.  'What would happen if I get Samirah to try kill one of her friends!?'  Great game (Maybe he needs a therapist....)

So the game began. Yay..not yay.
He quickly picked a target... oooh the dwalf..
Samirah stood up, axe in hand and headed towards Blitzen.

Poor Blitz noticed what was happening a second too late. It was like everything slowed down... Hearthstone turned around, seeing his friend about to be killed... he rushed over, casting a runestone in the blink of an eye, the rune of Ice, and stood infornt of Blitzen. But he was too late. Just as she froze her axe embedded itself in Hearth's chest.

The next few seconds were gone in a flash. Sam froze. Hearth gasped as the pain shot through him... Blitz screamed Hearths name, just as his best friend fell into his arms, his eyes wide.

Loki laughed. "Oooo! I wasn't expecting that! Well...I'll leave before the Dwalf kills me. Bye!" He disappeared, just as Magnus was about to send Jack after him.

"H-Hearth! Hearth, b-buddy, p-please..." Blitzen was crying as the pale alf's life ebbed away, of course Hearth couldn't hear Blitz, but he could kind of read Blitzens lips as his vision blurred.

"Buddy, stay with m-me.. p-please, H-Hearth.. please..." He now was in floods of tears. Alex, Magnus and Jack rushed over.

"Hearth!" Magnus tried to heal him.. but it was too late.. Hearth was staring blankly into Blitzen's brown eyes. Blitz, not taking in the fact that Hearth was dead, because he protected him, was slowly running his hand through the soft blonde locks of his pale friend. Hearths green veins were clearer than ever on his now cold, pale skin.
Blitz sighed, knowing Hearth was gone, and gently closed Hearths eyes.

Sam thawed out, and saw what she'd done, she gasped and backed away.
"" Alex camly walked over, placed his hand on Sam's shoulder. "It's not your fault Loki-"
"No..I could've..." Sam broke down. Alex trying to calm her and Maggie trying to calm Blitz, who was cradling Hearth's body.

The last thing Hearth saw was Blitzens worried expression and chocolate brown eyes...
Then a gold figure reaching towards him...


Hearth awoke with a start. He looked around. Where was he? He was in a bed with a fuffly-goose-feather duvet. It was pure-white. Where was Blitzten? Was he okay?

I think this is the longest chapter I've ever wrote..and I'm not done it yet!!! 
I'll see you soon! Im going to read fanfics and plan out the next chapter!!!
  Goodbye, my loves!!!
      -Freya, the weird.


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