Chapter Twenty Nine

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Chapter Twenty Nine: Hope
Chabelita's Pov

Me and Clarisse waited for the doctor to say something and he was taking a long time. "Can you hurry up?" I said, im patiently "I'm afraid Yoandri's has slipped into coma" the doctor told us.

"What do you mean he's in a coma!" Clarisse's yell woke everyone up and Jaime came over to my side to figure out what's going on.

"According to the X-rays we did on him, when he arrived to the ER, the impact from whatever object that hit him was so severe that it was enough to put him in this situation."

"So what are the chances of him living?" Jaime asked.

"were look at a ten percent here. the impact was really strong that it shattered much of his skull thankfully the impact didn't kill him. now you'll have to excuse me I'm going back to monitor how Yoandri is doing right now no one can see him."

"What's going on? How's Yoandri doing?" Richard asked, "he's in a coma" I told him. The minute I said that everyone heard and started worrying "are you sure he's in a coma?" Joel asked as tears fell from his eyes you could tell that Joel was hurt upon hearing the news.

Like the good friend I was to Joel I went over to his side and hugged him.
"How long is he going to live?" He asked,"he's got a ten percent chance at life" I said,"why so low? that doctor must be lying to us" Richard said.

"Guys let's not lose hope now Yoandri's always been strong he's going to live" Chris told us. My phone was ringing and I took it out pocket and saw Lila wanted to FaceTime with me.

I clicked the accept button and she immediately appeared on the screen.
"Any news on Yoandri yet?" She asked me,"Chabelita who is that?" My brother asked me "it's Lila."

"He's in a coma and Celine was the cause of this" I told her,"did you just say Celine did this!" Chris yelled.
everyone looked at me and then Clarisse stepped in and told everyone about what Celine had to her.

"No wonder she ended her relationship with him she's always been a fake to Yoandri" Lila told me. "The doctor said he has a ten percent survival rate since the impact was really strong that it ended up cracking much of his skull."

"Why are things always happening when ever I'm not there,I shouldn't have left." Lila said. "It's not your fault it was your decision anyways how's Seoul?"

"It's pretty great right now I'm sitting in the dorm since Sanha and the rest of his group members are busy practicing their new choreography."

"I need to come visit you one day then" I told her "that would be great I know you'll love seeing the beautiful site of Seoul don't get me started on Jeju Island." Me and Lila talked for awhile until she had to go.

Jaime's Pov
More hours passed and we haven't heard a word from Yoandri.

"Where are you going? don't leave me." I told Chabelita when I saw her getting up. "I'm about to go find the vending machine I'm hungry."

"Let me go I want something to."
"But your using your money" she told me. We found a vending machine and I bought what I wanted while Chabelita was taking her time trying to figure out what she wanted.

"Why don't you buy everything your taking too long" I said. "But they all look so good" she said,"I'm leaving in the next two minutes if you don't figure it out."

Eventually she ended up buying a soda, chips, and a chocolate bar I grabbed her hand before she could attempt to buy another thing.

"Yoandri could have woken up because you took so long" I said,"your wrong for joking around like that." Chabelita said. We went back with the others.

"Donde se fueron?" Erick said.
"Fuimos a comparar algo"
Jaime told him, "por qué no me dejaron."

"No sabíamos que quieras algo pero la máquina está allá si quieres algo" Chabelita told him. Erick got up and went to the machine. Everyone was getting so bored and they starting doing their own things.

Johann and Vanessa were building houses with the magazines that were on the table, Zabdiel and Michelle were playing an app game, Jocelynn and Richard were just talking to each other, Andrea was making out with my brother - yes I know disgusting and quite inappropriate for this time.

Jessica waiting for Erick to come back, and finally we have Ashley and Kelly challenging each other in a battle of who can keep their eyes wide open for the longest.

Finally we saw a doctor and we came over to him. "How's Yoandri now?"
"Well we just finished performing surgery on him and it went quite well." He said. "So is he going to wake up now?" I asked him,"right at this moment he won't but, I have great news usually when our patiences are in a situation like Yoandri, we give them a month or two to let them wake up. Otherwise we have no choice but to turn off their life support and you already know what happens when we do that. but we decided to give Yoandri a full year to wake up."

"That's even better" Chabelita said.

Chabelita's Pov
I told everyone what the doctor told me and Jaime. I was really glad they were giving Yoandri a full chance to live I really hope he'll wake up soon enough so he can get a chance to graduate high school and find that special someone he's been missing from his life.

The next Chapter is the final

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