Chapter Four

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CHAPTER Four: Mystery Surprise
Omg 😱😱 before I begin this Chapter let me tell you Jaime liked one of my edits on my Fan account on Instagram yesturday I was so excited that I screamed and my parents thought something was wrong with me but anyways enjoy the story ~ Jaime's Princesa15

This is the present from here on out
Chabelita's Pov
The next morning I woke up and Jaime wasn't next to me, I got out of bed and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower, then after my shower

I got dressed in a white tank top with a wolf howling at the moon design, I threw on some black high waisted shorts, my mint vans, and  paired it with a black sweater that read normal people scare me, I decided to just brush my hair stright and apply makeup on.

Then I headed down stairs and went inside the kitchen, even Chris wasn't there which was werid he often was down here I guess he had rehearsal with CNCO, anyways I made my own breakfast which consisted of chocolate chip waffles topped with whipped cream and blueberries, a strawberry milkshake, and hashbrowns.

This was the best breakfast I had cooked well I can thank my baby for teaching me how to cook.

Once I ate everything I went to the sink and started washing the plate and cup then rinsed off the water before putting them back inside the cabinets.

As I was about to exit the kitchen a post it note was taped to the refrigerator it read Chabelita I have a special surprise for you but It's going to require you to move around and knowing you, to well I know your gonna hate it but since you love me your going to get out the of this house and find out what I have planned ~ Love Jaime

It's true I hated anything that involved any sort of movement but now I was curious about finding out Jaime's secert plans.

I heard my iphone ringing in my bedroom upstairs so I hurried up to answer it before I missed it , I bust into my room and saw the caller ID was Lila the panda 🐼. I knew Lila was calling so I picked it up " Hola, Lila estàs aqui " I said.

"Sì estoy aqui y què haces" I went on and explain to her that I found a note that Jaime  wrote and that he wanted me to get out the house for a surprise.

"Ooh Chabel are you really gonna go out the house" she said.

"Claro què sì Lila you never know what it could be" there was a pause.

"Maybe he wi-" I shhed Lila since shes known to have a dirty mouth sometimes, I mean if you look on her wattpad account she has it filled with Larry something i'm afraid to look at.

"Lila por favor yo y Jaime no mas tienemos quince años so whatever you were going to say is so wrong and invald" I told her and she giggled I swear to god that  one day I will make a fool out of her in front of Yoandri as payback.

"Well I should get going now Lila"
"alright Chabel i'll call you later" she said and hung up. I went back downstairs and made it to my front door before closing it behind me.

Lila's Pov
I called Chabelita after Jaime came by and gave me this note explaining he had a surprise waiting for Chabelita and I couldn't say anything to her since i'll ruin what he has planned out for her.

Chabelita's Pov
I scrolled down my contacts before I found Gummy Bear Chris and clicked on my brother's contact list to call him.

Against All Odds ♡ A Jaime Cruz fanfic ♡ COMPLETEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora