Chapter Eleven

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Chapter 11: Sleep Over
I decided to do another update 💕 ~ JaimesPrincesa

Chabelita's Pov
*After School*

"Guys make sure to bring extra clothers and also your pj's for tonights sleepover, just bring everything" I told them.

We were all currently standing outside the school, and waiting for our rides "so how did everything go with you and Joel after you left my house?" I asked my cousin.

"It went great he got his act together and we ended up going to my house" Lila said, "what about you and Jaime?? are things going alright??".

"Yes were better than ever and I don't want that to ever change I love him so much, to even think i'll lose him.

Then it hit me what would I ever do if I did lose Jaime, I sure as heck wouldn't be ok, but Chabelita let's not go there it's way to early to be thinking of such things.

I saw my brother Chris pulling up into the distance, before I could get inside Lila stopped me.
"hey mind giving me a ride home?" Lila asked me, "Lila are you serious get in the back of course you can get a ride home after all your both our cousin" Chris said.

Lila got inside closing the doorand Chris asked, my other friends if they needed a ride they all said no since they all had a way of going home.

"Ok off we go" Chris drove off the ride seemed to take longer.

"Christopher where are we going? I thought you were taking us home". "Yes were going home, but not right now were heading to the CNCO house if you were both wondering".

"Ok but let me call my parents first so they don't worry" Lila said. "No need i'll call mi tía and let her know" Chris told her. "But your driving you idiot".

"But your driving you idiot" Chris mocked back, I mumbled "jerk" under my breath and i'm guessing Chris heard me, because I found him looking at my direction.
"you like insulting me don't you Chabelita?".

"Chris you know i'm just playing with you, I don't actually mean it" I told him.

"But you should still show me respect, after all i'm not only your older brother,i'm also like a parent figure to you".

"YesI know i'm sorry I still love you though" I told him.

"I love you more sissy".

"Chris stop treating me like a baby" we stopped at a traffic light and Chris looked at me "I'm never going to stop calling my baby sister, until you reach my age understand? as of now your still concidered to be a baby".

"Fine" I said giving up, the light turned green and Chris drove off. "Why is this car ride super long can you turn on the radio at least Chris".

"Awe now my baby cousin is complaining how cute" I smacked Chris in the shoulder and he laughed".

"Are you jealous now" I looked away. "maybe" I told him. "Chabelita he's going to replace you sooner or later".

"Not on my watch he won't" I told Lila, Chris turned up the radio and La Apuesta started playing
"Babe!!" I screamed, Christopher rolled his eyes "we get it Chabelita stop screaming". "I'm telling Jaime you don't like his song".

Against All Odds ♡ A Jaime Cruz fanfic ♡ COMPLETEDWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt