Chapter Five

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Chapter Five: The House Party

Cruzers La Apuesta is finally out the wait is over go to itunes and shower Jaime with love ATTENTION: major plot twist coming up ~ Jaime's Princess
Chabelita's Pov
I woke up in the middle of the night to noices, coming from downstairs apparently it seems as if a party was taking place. I got out of bed rubbing my eyes before going over to my door and slightly opening it to check.

I couldn't see well so, I cracked my door wide open and it made a loud sound, shit I got to be more quiet before Chris sees i'm awake at this time of the hour.

Then after realizing it's an actual party I head downstairs taking the risk of getting caught by my brother, it's not like he will notice right?

Once i'm downstairs, I see a drunk Chris making out with some girl I never seen before the sight of that makes my stomach turn.

Chris, wasn't the only one who was drunk, it was also Zabdiel, Joel, and Richard and other people who I swore never met in my life.

I ran out of the living room and found Erick pouring himself a bottle of coke in a plastic red party cup he seemed to be normal until I tapped on his shoulder and realized even he was drunk.

"Erick what's wrong with you do you realize your drunk, how did this even happen? What's going on? " I asked.

"Cha-belita" he slurred while trying to say my name, I gave Erick a disgusted look and wondered to myself who's the person responible for giving him a beer in the first place?

I swear i'm going to have to talk to Chris after this party ends. "Erick " I said waving my hand in his face hoping to get his attention towards me But, no he proceed to go inside the fridge and get another beer which to my surprise Erick handed to me.

I took it and placed it back closing the fridge door "Erick answer me now!" by now I grew angry at him, there was a pause between us until Erick said something.

"babe w-hat are y-ou tal-king a-bout?" did Erick just call me babe?? But, anyways I needed to move Erick out of here before he does something stuipd.

I picked him up and his body hung over my shoulders as I carried him upstairs to my room. Then I quickly placed him on my bed.

What i'm I gonna do with the poor boy he's obviously drunk lord knows what he'll do to me. The thought of Erick doing stuff sent a terrible feeling down my spine.

Soon I turned around and found Erick missing out my bed damn he moves quickly, instead of searching for him I felt two hands wrapping around my waist and I felt a slight breath on my neck.

I realize it was Erick holding me from behind "Um Erick què estas hacedo?" I asked fearing what could happen next, he held on me tightly and I gupped shaking with fear as my drunk best friend grabbed on to me.

"Nada ba-be don't worry" he said I could smell his beer breath and the smell made my stomach tighter god he needs a mint to hide any evidence he was drinking if anybody questions him.

"Erick what the hell is going on here please explain to me!" I yelled he gripped on me harder and I knew shit was about to go down now.

"Chris dec-ided to th-row a house party to ce-lbrate our ne-w song re-lease and apparently w-e all dr-unk one to ma-ny drinks".

"Ok I understand but please let go of me Erick I have a boyfriend" he didn't care because now I was being slammed hard into the wall, I strugged so hard to push him off me.

Against All Odds ♡ A Jaime Cruz fanfic ♡ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now