Chapter Twenty Eight

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Three more chapters left
👏🏻 I feel like this story is getting to lame to write idk why I keep continuing maybe I should just cancel it
Chabelita's Pov

I just got done eating my dinner. and Christopher offered to wash my plate since I always clean them.

That's when the phone rung and I went to pick it up "hello" I said
"Chabelita it's Clarisse you got to come over here it's serious!" Clarisse said screaming through the phone.

"Quién es?" Chris asked me
"It's Clarisse she wants me to go over there something happened" I said.
Chris dried his hands with a wash cloth and took the phone from my hands.

"Clarisse this is Christopher what's up?" He asked. "Oh ok slow down tell me what's wrong with Yoandri?" Chris said. My heart immediately sank when I heard Chris say Yoandri's name.

"We'll be on our way" Chris handed me my phone back "are you ready to go?" He asked. And I nodded my head.
Chris got the keys and opened the door.

He closed the door behind him and I opened the car door while making sure I buckled up. I was wondering what Clarisse had told my brother but she seemed worried. I hope Yoandri's ok.

I got a text from Lila
Lila: hey has Clarisse told you anything about Yoandri?

Me: She sounded worry but no because Chris took over the call im going to ask what happened

Lila: Clarisse found Yoandri in his bedroom not breathing.
And he had a scar on his forehead meaning someone or something must of knocked him out. Clarisse said the last person who was at Yoandri's house was Celine but Clarisse can't locate her.

Me: How do you know all of this?

Lila: I was the first person Clarisse told and I told her to tell you afterwards.

Me: Thanks for informing me I'm on my way over there now.

Chris finally got inside the car and started the engine then we were off.

Christopher's Pov
I can't believe Yoandri is going through this. And for some reason I think Celine has something to do with what happened to Yoandri.

She was the last person to be inside his house. It seems odd how all of a sudden she disappeared, without letting anyone know where she was going. It had to be her.

Once we arrived at his house,there was a paramedic taking Yoandri out the house. Me and Chabelita got out the car and a crying Clarisse came over.

"I hope he's ok he's like a brother to me" Chabelita hugged Clarisse and told her Yoandri's strong.

The ambulance started leaving
"So where are they taking him?" Chabelita asked, "to the nearest hospital that isn't to far from here." Clarisse told us. "We should alert the others" Christopher said.

"I already called every last person they should all be on there way here now." I heard a car honk behind us. I turned around to see Richard driving and the rest of my bandmates in the back of the car.

Richard turned the car off and the rest got off "ya llegamos" Erick said. Richard got out and came over.
"Where's Yoandri?" Richard asked.

"The paramedics just took him" I told him. "Alright we should get going then" Richard said, "no we need to wait on the others" Chabelita said.

Another car arrived and it was Jaime along with his grandma. "Chabelita ya llego tu novio" Erick said joking around. But Zabdiel told him to stop playing around since this was serious.

"Señora no nos vas a compañera?"
I asked her "Si pueda entonces si pero, tengo que hace unas cosas,te dejó a Jaime quedan lo bien" she said.

"Ya abuela ya no soy un niño" Jaime told her she drove off and Jaime ran to Chabelita and started hugging her.

"Quien más faltan?" Zabdiel said.
I heard another car and saw it was Johann and Vanessa they were followed by Michelle and my girlfriend Andrea. The next car had Jocelynn, Kelly, Ashley,and Jessica.

"I think everyone's here let's go" Clarisse told everyone to get back into their cars and to follow her to the hospital.

Clarisse Pov
I went inside my car and drove off while everyone else followed behind me. As I was driving I gotten a text from Celine. I knew it was bad to text and drive but I needed an explanation as to why she suddenly disappeared.

Celine: Clarisse I have a confession to make

Me: what is it?

Celine: I'm the one who knocked Yoandri out with a vase and disappeared because I was afraid of being thrown in jail. But I did the right thing by turning myself in.

Me: bitch are you that stupid Celine don't every text me again

I put down my phone and concentrated on the road it took me five minutes to finally arrive at the hospital. Now I was looking for a place to park. I saw a car leaving and I waited until they left so I could park there.

Once I parked I turned the engine off and saw everyone else arriving. Chabelita ran to my car and I opened the door "good I'm glad your here Celine just told me she was the one who did that to Yoandri."

"Wait Celine did that? But she loves him so much" Chabelita said.
"Yeah enough to kill him" I told her.

Everyone went inside the hospital and sat in the waiting room. It's around six thirty and we heard no news from Yoandri I looked around and saw almost everyone except Jaime and Chabelita awake.

I walked over to them and sat next to Jaime "so have you heard anything?"
"Nope" I said, "and you" Chabelita "nope" finally a doctor came "um are you all here to see Yoandri Cabrera." the doctor said.

"Yeah so is he doing fine doctor?" I saw a worried looked on his face
"I'm sorry to inform you but Yoandri has..."

Oh dear


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