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A fee is all you need to cross this bridge

Keira's POV

After Angelo was taken off I ran back upstairs and got dressed in a track suit and tennis shoes and got baby Angel dressed and put her the carrier. I grabbed my keys and made my way to the police station. Once I got there I talked to the bondsman, he said that Angelo's bond was set $50,000. All I could do was cry, I can't afford that right now. ''Hey are you okay?'' I looked up and saw a familiar face, it was the guy I checked out at the bookstore a week ago. ''No, my boyfriend is in jail for something he didn't do. ''Did you try to bail him out?'' ''I can't pay the bond, not that much anyways.'' I sniffled. ''How much?'' ''$50,000.'' I burst into tears, he tried to sooth me by rubbing my back, ''Just sit tight, I'l go talk to the bondsman.'' I looked over to see him talked to the bondsman, he took out his wallet and flashed a card. The bondsman nodded and the boy came back over to me. ''Okay, good news I got his bail down to $3,000.'' ''Oh my God thank you.'' I hugged him, ''How did you-'' ''Connections.'' He said. ''What's your name.'' ''Alex.'' ''Keira.'' We shook hands. ''I hope this is not to forward, but can I have your number?'' ''I um-'' ''I know, nothing wrong with having friends right?'' He asked smiling. ''Right.'' We exchanged numbers and agreed to hang out and we said our goodbyes. I went back over to bondsman and bailed out Angelo. Angelo rushed over to me and baby Angel, his lips collided with mine. ''Are you okay?'' ''I'm fine baby.'' ''Mr. Anderson, you have a court date set two days from now.'' ''Court date what do you mean?'' Angelo asked. ''Well, based on the charges we must have a court date.'' Angelo sigh. The bondsman handed him the paperwork and we left the station. ''I just don't understand why would she do this.'' Angelo said. ''Your baby mama is evil her and Devontae deserve each other.'' I said pulling into the driveway. ''Does your mom know about any of this?'' I asked. ''No, I think it's best to keep it that way.'' ''Maybe she can help.'' ''No, she's gonna go crazy on Lexie and her mother, then I definitely won't get to see my daughter.'' Angelo and I made our way inside the home and upstairs. He laid baby Angel back down in her crib and we went back to bed, ''Don't worry everything will be fine.'' I whispered in his ear. 

The next two days were a blur, when we finally made it to the court day, Angelo was beyond nervous, he was so scared that judge would side with Lexie. I dressed in a turquoise wrap dress that hugged my curves, fishnets and  low heel black boots. Angelo had on a nice suit. We had baby Angel dressed in a nice little white dress. Once we finally got to the courthouse we waited outside for our case to be called. Anderson-Peterson called an officer. Lexie was hand in hand with Devontae, he smirked at me , I couldn't help but fee sick I hope this goes well. 

Angelo's POV

Lexie and I took our stands. She looked over at me and rolled her eyes. The judge waked in and sat down. ''I understand this is a custody battle between Alexia Peterson and DeAngelo Anderson for Angel Hope Anderson.'' ''Yes your honor.'' Said Lexie in a polite voice. ''I'm going to begin with individual testimonies from each side  starting with you Miss. Peterson.'' ''Well, Judge Aiono, me and Mr. Anderson and I had a relationship throughout high school, and I got pregnant and at first he was in denial but he came around and decided to be apart of his daughter's life and I let him. We agreed that he would be able to see Angel on the weekends and through out the week if he wanted if he check with me first also if I had an emergency I would leave her with him.'' ''Is all this true Mr. Anderson?'' Asked Judge Aiono, ''Yes your honor except the part about the relationship, me and Alexia never had a relationship we had relations, she knew before we got into this that I just wanted sex.'' ''Is that true?'' ''Well-'' ''Look today I want the truth from both of you, cause I can DHR and have her appointed to a real family is all this understood?''Asked Judge Aiono in a strict voice. Angelo and Lexie both nodded, ''Now, Miss. Peterson, I want you to tell me what brought us here today?'' ''Well five days ago I asked Angelo to watch Angel because I had an emergency.'' ''What was this emergency?'' ''My mother was in the hospital.'' ''Do you have any proof of this?'' ''No I don't but-'' '' Continue.'' ''So the next day after I left the hospital I went to the mall with my boyfriend, Devontae and we saw Angelo and his girlfriend coming out the mall. I asked Angelo to give me back Angel this led to a verbal altercation between him and I, at which point he did leave I told him I would call the police and I did and had him arrested for kidnapping.'' ''Thank-you is all this true Mr. Anderson?'' ''Yes your honor but I had my reasons for not wanting to give my daughter to her, her current boyfriend is a known abuser and I fear for my daughter's life, I also know for a fact she did not go to the hospital the night I took my daughter away.'' ''Tell me.'' ''Okay, the night I knocked on her door, she had on this red robe and her hair was all in curls like she was about to go on a date. Also her boyfriend dated my girlfriend and he abused her, I even have her medical records saying so the night she went to hospital for wounds he inflicted.'' The balif took the evidence from my hand. ''This is very interesting, is your girlfriend here?'' ''She is.'' ''I would like to speak with her.'' Keira came up to stand beside me, ''Now you know you're under oath so tell me, were you abused by that man.'' I saw tears form in her eyes, ''Y-yes.'' ''How long.'' ''Two years.'' ''Thank you, you may step down.'' '' I've heard enough today, I'll tell you what I do believe, I believe that you called him so you could have a date, he rushed over and you were all pretty just like he said, and then when you saw him with that girl you and your boyfriend over here got jealous. I'm ordering that Mr. Anderson have primary custody of the child and Miss. Peterson get visits weekends only by herself and only when Mr. Anderson is present. Court is now adjourned.'' The judge swung her gavel. At that moment I couldn't have been more happy, I got my daughter I got my daughter! As I made my way out the courtroom, Keira and I held hands we walked down the hall to meet with a social worker to get Angel back, but I came face to face with Lexie. ''What do you want?'' I asked her. ''You are such a fucking liar, I cant believe the judge believed you and this hussy. Devontae would never hurt a fly and you know I'm a good mother.'' ''Oh yeah, how good of a mother were you a week ago when you just threw her off on me so you get some dick, how good of a mother were you when you smoked and drank during the first few months of your pregnancy causing her to be premature. You tell me do you think you deserve a daughter?'' Lexie was silent, ''This aint over.'' She said and whisked off with Devontae behind her. ''I'm so glad this is over.'' I said, I pulled Keira close and kissed her lips. ''Keira.'' We looked over and saw a boy in a black and white suit. ''Alex.'' She left my grasp and went over to him. ''You didn't tell me you would be here.'' ''Well, I work here.'' ''Really?'' ''Yeah, full-time.'' ''Here and the jail.'' ''Jail is a part-time thing, but it was nice seeing you.'' Alex hugged Keira and walked off. ''Who is he?'' ''Don't be mad.'' ''Why would I be mad.'' I walked over and wrapped my arms around her waist, ''I know how you get.'' ''Who is he?'' ''Just a friend.'' ''Okay.'' ''Okay?'' ''Yeah, you can have friends.'' ''You punished me about Alex.'' ''That's cause you didn't have clothes on, now how about I go home and have dinner.'' ''What about me?'' ''I'll buy you some MacDonald's.'' Keira hit my chest and we walked out the courthouse laughing. 

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