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Angelo's POV

I woke up the next morning I heard music playing and I noticed Angel wasn't in the bed nor was Keira. I went downstairs to see her in the kitchen cooking, over the stove and singing along to a song she had on and Angel in a high chair smiling. ''You like that song Mama?'' She asked walking away from the stove and over to Angel playing with her face. ''Good morning.'' I said. ''Good morning, I didn't see you there.'' Keira smiled. ''I saw you, where did you get the high chair.'' ''Basement, my mom keeps everything.'' ''That's a good thing.'' ''Yeah guess so.'' I walked over to her and gripped her waist and kissed her lips, she wrapped her arms around my neck. ''You ready for breakfast?'' ''Yeah, but I want what your mom made?'' She laughed and pushed me away. ''You are real smooth you know that.'' She said walking back over to the stove fixing our plates and making Angel a bottle. I sat down at the island, ''Here you go.'' She put my plate in front of me. ''How did you seep?'' ''I slept good, it was different having a baby in bed, but its worth little Mama here was not trouble.'' She said smiling at Angel. Keira came and sat down beside me, ''Are you okay this morning, I know you were a bit upset last night after your ex called and everything.'' ''I'm fine, I just wanna do right by daughter that's all that matters.'' Keira smiled. ''So what do you want to do today, I have the rest of the day off.'' ''I was thinking we could go to the mall, I wanna spoil you.'' ''Angelo I can buy my own clothes.'' ''I know you can, but I wanna do it.'' ''Okay.'' ''Me, you and Angel.'' ''Sounds like a plan.'' Keira said smiling. After breakfast Keira, Angel and I went upstairs to get ready for the day. 

Once we got to the mall, Keira went straight for  Rue 21, she bought loads of tops and dresses. Then she went to Vicky Secret where she modeled for me, I could've taken her right there but I had Angel with me. After that we decided to go to the food court, we laughed and ate and afterwards we walked out. As we were leaving the mall I spotted Lexie with a guy she was laughing and holding his hand. ''Lexie.'' ''Oh hey Angelo.'' I noticed the guy was Devontae. ''What the hell you doing with this fool!'' ''Jealous much?'' She asked flipping her hair. ''Not hardly, I don't want this nxgga around my daughter!'' ''Relax, the night he came over I let you have her.'' ''You bitch, you ruined my date night just so you could get fucked!'' ''Angelo-'' Keira said trying to calm me. ''Moms gotta have fun sometimes.'' ''You aint no mom.'' ''I am a mother, I'm her mother, so if you don't mind I'll take her home now.'' Lexie said reaching for stroller, but I slapped her hand away. ''Hell no, not while this nxgga with you.'' ''Devontae and I are together now, so accept it. I mean I don't question you about your bitch here.'' She said looking at Keira. ''Hol up-'' Keira began. ''Shutup.'' Devontae said. ''No man, you stay outta this, between me and Lexie and didn't I tell ya ass to get outta town and next time I saw ya ass I was gonna put a cap in ya ass.'' Devontae seemed unphased. ''You don't scare me lil nxgga.'' I laughed, ''You know that's real funny seeing as though you almost pissed yaself the night I told you to get out your car.'' ''Look I'm just gonna take my daughter.'' Lexie reached for the stroller but I smacked her hand away. ''Come on Keira.'' We began to walk away, but Devontae pulled her back. ''Don't forget who you belong to.'' He whispered in her ear. ''Keira.'' I tugged her away. ''Angelo give me my baby! I'll call the police!'' I got in my car ignoring her. The drive home was silent. Once inside the house Keira laid Angel down for her nap and then came back downstairs and sat on the couch beside me. ''Angelo-'' ''All I want to do is love my daughter and you and have a peaceful life what did I do, I don't understand.'' I was literately stressed to the max at this. ''It's gonna be okay baby I'm here I'll never leave you.'' She climbed into my lap straddling me. ''She took my face into her hands and kissed my head. ''It's okay, everything will work out.'' ''I hope so.'' 

Keira and I eventually went upstairs and went to bed. She had pulled an old crib out the basement so Angel was able to sleep beside the bed. I pulled Keira on top of me and fell asleep. ''OPEN UP! OPEN UP!'' I heard pounding on the door so I woke up and gently pushed Keira off me and walked downstairs. I opened the door and an officer flashed a light in my face, ''DeAngelo Anderson?'' ''Yeah.'' ''You're under arrest for child kidnapping.'' The officer put me in cuffs and began reading me my Miranda Rights. ''You can't do this.... that's my daughter.... Did Lexie do this!'' ''What is going on!'' Keira asked running downstairs in only her bra and underwear. ''Yo don't look at my girl!'' ''Baby what's going on?'' Keira asked frantically. ''They taking me to jail.'' ''For what baby?'' ''They say I kidnapped Angel.'' ''But you didn't.'' ''I know that.'' ''Get him outta here.'' The officers hauled me off. 

Lexie's POV

He wanna play that game.... that's fine, I got his game. 

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