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I'm not sure why I just notice these things, but... I should tell Gohan how awesome I think he is. He's smart, kind, gorgeous, and strong. I couldn't ask for anything more in a guy. Its funny, when I first met him, I didn't expect him to be anyone I would fall for. Sure... I was attracted to him, but I was very unsure of my feelings toward him. It wasn't until I understood that he wasn't at all a bad guy. He was soft-hearted and easy to talk to. He made me want to be by his side whenever he was down or in danger or just... in general. He's the first guy I ever liked for who they are instead of what they look like. He made me realize that you should like someone for more than just their looks.

The guys in my world were never as kind as he. I went to school afraid of what'll happen or what people had to say about me. I let them talk all that crap and didn't really do anything about it. Pathetic right? I was so lonely... I wanted someone to tell me they cared about me—Someone other than my family. I was always so lonely and hurt. No one really wanted to be by me. The nicest of people were cruel to me. I guess that just told me that I was a no good piece of garbage.

Or atleast... that's what I convinced myself to have been: Garbage... Filth.

Seeing Gohan, however, put me at a state of awe. He was always so cheerful. It was actually pretty ridiculous if you ask me, but also very refreshing. I would just stare at him whenever he would talk to his loved ones or me. His smile's precious. More precious than anything i've ever known or seen. I want to be by his side forever and have everyone know that. I wanna be the one that he'll eventually propose to when we're older. That is... If he even has feelings for me still when we're adults.

Gohan's my light. My friend who is always there when I need him. I feel like I can tell him anything and have him not judge me for it. His heart is as pure as gold. Not once have I heard him talk badly about someone who was innocent. He has so much love in his heart that I really do think it is asinine. However, I absolutely love that about him. The fact that he carries that much love. I wanna be in his heart and never do anything to be out of it. That would definitely wound my heart if he ever stopped caring for me.

I'm lucky as heck. To be experiencing these crazy adventures with him daily. To be able to have him tell me his deepest fears or what he hopes to get out of life. I'm so lucky. I wonder if he ever feels lucky about being with me?  Probably not...

Oh well... Gohan's still pretty much my everything. I love him like no other. I'm not sure if it counts though since he's my first love. What if something bad happens between us and we break up? Will we find different people? Will someone ever love me again...? ...Probably not...

Its just crazy to think about it. Someone as amazing as Gohan cares for someone as... how do I say it? Weird, awkward, and bland as me.

Geez, why can't I just predict the future or something? Will we even get married? Will we even be alive in the next few years?! If someone storms into earth as powerful as Cell or Eternal... yeah... we're done for. Maybe Gohan and I should train way more just in case? Lately we both have been slacking. ChiChi is forcing Gohan to study all the time while I just mainly feel lazy as heck to do anything.

Ugh... i'm so terrible. What did Gohan get himself into liking me?

"Hey Tania, you in there?" A knock alerts my ears and I quickly drop my pencil and flipped my paper.

Seconds later, my door opened and in came Gohan with his smiling face.

"Guess what? Everyone has been thinking of entering some tournament! The winner gets a lot of money! Do you wanna participate in it with me?"

"Depends." I answer, "What's this tournament called?"

"I think its called: The Intergalactic World Tournament."

I thought about it a bit more after asking Gohan a few more questions. It became silent afterward.

"So, what do you say? Maybe after it we can go on a date?"


I nearly fainted from the cute words that spilled out of his mouth. Our first date was about two weeks ago. I was definitely still in the honeymoon phase so him saying that we can go on a date again was... AMAZING!

"LETS GET PACKIN!¨ I hop out of my bed.

Embarrasingly enough, the paper I had just finished writing, flew off my bed and landed right on Gohan's feet. He picked it up and seemed to start reading it. In a flash, I snatched it out of his hands and laughed nervously.

¨Oh don't mind this thing. Its nothing special.¨

¨I don know about that... I saw my name on ther-¨

¨IT WAS JUST IN YOUR IMAGINATION!" I practically scream out of panic.

Gohan rubbed the back of his head.

Oh gosh he's so cute.

¨Well, I did only look at it for a second. Maybe it really was nothing?¨

I nodded very quickly, Yep! You're sure right!¨

Setting the paper down again, I turn Gohan around and push him and myself out of the room then locked it behind me.

He musn't read that ever. I wrote down embarrassing things on there!


A/N- Just decided to make something very short and sweet :) Anyway, I've made a decision on who I believe is the winner of the contest. However, I gotta sort everything out in the fanart book! I know you guys have been looking forward to seeing who it is that won and I promise you'll be getting that real soon!

Thanks for reading!

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